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Everything posted by liuzhou

  1. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    Oh. good! Me too. I thought it was my computer! Or me! Update. Rechecked. OK Now.
  2. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    Wotou buns (窝头 wō tóu - literally "nest heads") with minced pork marinated in Shaoxing wine, soy sauce, chilli powder, cumin, xiapi, and fish sauce. Stir fried then added Hunan pickled vegetable. This was a kind of starter. Main course was a simple egg fried rice, which I didn't photograph. I guess you've seen egg fried rice, before.
  3. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    It does, but isn't at all common. It seems to more prevalent in the US and UK as you say, but also, for some reason, in Indonesia. I don't think it would have chicken here, though. Anyway, I'd happily eat your version.
  4. liuzhou

    Satay from scratch

    This one? He also has a general satay sauce recipe here.
  5. Now that the Chinese New Year celebrations are over Pizza Hut has dropped the coin pizza above and launched this. It's odd. What they are offering is special weekday lunch specials. At 35元 you get a " Colourful vegetable salad (small portion)" and a cup of lemon tea. Splash out and for 45元 you are the lucky participant in a "Pine nut chicken with basil pasta package". Including the same lemon tea. Other choices along the bottom are: Teriyaki chicken fried rice set meal Ham and cheese Panini set American Style Pizza Italian Meal (small) Exactly the opposite of localisation and not something that will appeal to many people around here. Few people eat salads. One friend visited England and in a hospital cafeteria asked for a salad she saw and was outraged that they didn't cook it for her! You can pop downstairs from here and there is a food mall selling more substantial Chinese meals for a fraction of the price. It was lunchtime when I passed and Pizza Hut was empty; you couldn't move downstairs.
  6. One thing I like is that, here in China, duck is cheap. This one cost me ¥10.80 ($1.70 USD). A similarly sized decent chicken is between ¥50 and ¥60 ($8-$9.5). The feet and most of the wings had been removed to be sold separately. I jointed it and one breast and the legs are in the freezer for another day. I also have a load of fat in the fridge to render later. With the carcase, including the head, I made a duck stock which I chilled overnight, then de-fatted. Made stock with the meat from the carcase and the other breast. Leeks, onions, carrots, mushrooms, chilli and a splash of white rice wine vinegar. Hot and sour duck soup. Served with steamed bread (馒头 mán tóu).
  7. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    I'm a self shucker, too. Not only do I enjoy doing it, but that way they are only opened at the last minute.
  8. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    No. The Irish reference was to me calling the mashed potato and spring onion/scallion "champ". Nothing to do with the very French mustard I used.
  9. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    Tonight, I've gone Irish. Pork cutlets, spinach and rough champ. I like my mashed spuds to have some texture. I'm not a baby and even have most of my own teeth! After taking the pictures, I added a spoonful of that old Irish national condiment, Dijon mustard.
  10. A lair of dragon fruit, I think! And bream rhymes with cream.
  11. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    The stupid thing is that I have been to Georgia (the east European one) but still didn't make the connection. The food is indeed wonderful as is their wine.
  12. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    That confused me. I thought you were referring to the early 1800s in England and was wondering what they ate then. Then I scrolled down.
  13. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    You my also see it labelled as Doubanjiang which is the Mandarin. 豆瓣酱 or 豆瓣醬 dòu bàn jiàng
  14. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    Pig's kidney and mushrooms in a red wine and mustard sauce. Served with the rest of the bottle, of course.
  15. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    I've eaten in that market, too. Great food! Thanks for the reminder. The pictures work for me.
  16. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    I've had it only once, 18 years ago, but see it regularly. Foul stuff. As the quote you give implies, it isn't 'wine' at all but a distilled spirit (usually made from rice or sorghum) and very strong. You don't normally see it in liquor stores, but in pharmacies and drug stores. It is considered to be medicine rather than a recreational drink. You wouldn't wash down you stir fried snake with it, that's for sure. In 2000, I was sick here and a friend insisted that a glass or two was the only possible way to cure me. It didn't and I eventually I had to return to the UK for delicate surgery which did cure me. It isn't only Cantonese. There are versions all over China. In fact, it isn't even only Chinese. Italy bottles snakes in grappa, for example
  17. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    Like this? Or perhaps some snake soup? Actually, although I've eaten it often, I've never cooked snake myself. Those are restaurant dishes. Snakes are however available in one of my local markets so maybe one day.
  18. liuzhou

    Breakfast! 2018

    Poached duck egg on pan cooked flatbread.
  19. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    But they are wrong. It tastes like snake.
  20. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    Part of dinner, but the best part, if I say so myself. The rest was stuff I've bored you with before. Linguine with clams with black fermented beans, Shaoxing wine, garlic, shallots, ginger. Sino-Italian, I guess.
  21. No, it's not your post that is in the wrong place. It's you. This is a community which celebrates food in all its diversity. Celebrates sourcing it, buying it, growing it, cooking it, sharing it and eating it. A community that understands and celebrates the importance of food in our various cultures and histories and lives. A community in which, like in families, the members don't always agree but usually respect and learn from each other. Food in a pill. Never.
  22. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    Tonight, liver and bacon à la Chinoise. Sliced pig liver marinated in soy sauce, Shaoxing wine, a tickle of cumin, salt and potato starch. Stir-fried sliced onions and green chillies, added liver and fried for about 90 seconds and finished with sesame oil, Chinese chives and coriander leaf. Served with rice and stir fried Shanghai boy choy.
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