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Everything posted by liuzhou

  1. Found this on my Twitter feed a moment ago.
  2. Maybe where you are. The lamb/mutton I buy comes complete with skin.
  3. liuzhou

    Breakfast! 2018

    Chicken stock with shallots, chilli, ground white pepper. Leftover beef. Quail eggs. Baby Bok Choy. Rice Noodles.
  4. Fear not. I have no intentions of doing so. I just have to pass the place almost every day and see these strange alternatives to food.
  5. Next door to the Pizza Hut I mentioned in the first post is a KFC place (This happens a lot. It's the same company, after all) and today they were pushing this. It's chicken and crayfish/crawfish burger or roll. ¥23 a hit ( approx $3.60 US). The first two characters at the top, 吮指 shǔn zhǐ, is the Chinese for 'Finger-lickin' and then it says '13 delicacy crayfish burger/roll'. The smaller print below mentions the chicken. I don't know if this is local only or a staple KFC, internationally. I've never eaten KFC in my life.
  6. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    I've eaten this before, but tonight was my first time to cook it. It tasted great, but I think I need to work on the presentation! Where is my dinner?!?! Under this saltberg. Oh! An archaeologist has found it! Salt baked sea bass. Served with couscous and tomatoes. There was also a side of snow peas which couldn't fit on the plate. I'll be trying this again, but hopefully manage to present each fillet whole.
  7. No. I break the "rules" on a daily basis. Not only in the kitchen! I am European (English father and French mother) and that influences me a lot, but I've lived abroad in various countries for over 30 years, including the last 21 in China, so I mix everything together. (Although sometimes, I'll stick to one cuisine, but still break the "rules".)
  8. liuzhou

    Salmon Sashimi

    This is why, in most territories, fish for sashimi in restaurants must, by law, be frozen for a certain number of hours, before being defrosted and served. And such parasites are not confined to salmon. All fish should be flash frozen before being served raw.
  9. A bit of both, I suppose. I am not a big melon seed eater, but many of my friends are so it will probably be useful. I can also see some alternative kitchen uses which the manufacturer possibly never imagined. And if all else fails, I may use it as a bed pan in my looming dotage.
  10. No need for sorry. The bed pan idea also crossed my mind. The actual use is not strange at all here in China. Well, it is slightly strange. People eat melon and sunflower seeds etc all the time. There are shelves of the things in every store. But they usually just drop the shells on the floor. Here we have a dispenser and receptacle for waste. And it props your cell phone. What more could you need? About 20 years ago I was on a train somewhere in China and opposite me was a family which ate non-stop for about 16 hours. Seeds, fruit, snack foods etc. They very carefully put all the shells, paper, garbage etc into plastic bags. I was impressed. Most unusual. Then when the garbage bag was full, they tipped it out onto the floor and proceeded to eat enough to refill it, while the carriage attendant swept up their debris and tossed it out the train window! I am happy to say that standards have improved since then.
  11. @BonVivant $5! I paid the equivalent of $1.23. I guess I'm in the wrong line of business!
  12. You can if you insist. I wouldn't recommend it, though!
  13. "Fried" noodles with pork and vegetables on a domestic flight from Shanghai to Nanning, yesterday. Not bad at all, although I didn't really need a meal on a two hour flight.
  14. Here's one for you, which I bought today. It is designed for a very specific gastronomic (dual) function, but on the table rather than in the kitchen. It's approximately 8 inches in diameter and 4½ in height.
  15. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    Dinner with 4 friend/colleagues in Laibin, Guangxi, China. Cantonese Style White Cut Chicken Steamed Fish Spicy Beef with Garlic Scapes Scrambled Egg with Scallions Stir Fried Lotus Root Greenery Of course, with rice.
  16. liuzhou

    Breakfast! 2018

    This might not look like the most exciting breakfast you've ever seen, but it's what the locals queue up for and I partake of two or three times a week. Steamed bun with pork filling. 肉包 ròu bāo. Approx 6 inches diameter. Served with that ancient Chinese staple. A mug of industrial strength black coffee.
  17. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    It seems like just weeks ago, but must have been months, that I was complaining to a good friend that I couldn't find 苦瓜 kǔ guā - bitter melons - which were bitter like they were in the good, old days. She gave me withering look and said that weren't in season, so "what do you expect?" I still don't know exactly when the things are in season, but I bought one today and it looked like all the others I've bought over the years, but when I cooked it it lived up to its name. Well, the first part of its name. That bitterness revolted me at first, but I've grown to like it. (Stubbornness played a large part in me trying it the third or eighth time). Now I actively seek it out. So tonight, I had bitter melon with beef (苦瓜牛肉 kǔ guā niú ròu) or perhaps beef with bitter melon (牛肉苦瓜 niú ròu kǔ guā) . I haven't decided yet. Restaurant menus often list both - If beef comes first it is predominantly beef; if bitter melon comes first it is predominantly - you've guessed it. Anyway beef was sliced into slivers and marinated with garlic, ginger, chilli and Shaoxing wine. Stir fried for a bit, then the de-pithed melon added along with some soy sauce. Finished with green onions and served with rice. Spicy and bitter. ( I had a wife like that once!)
  18. liuzhou


    Well, given that bananas are native to S.E. Asia (which, to me, includes where I live In China), I'm a lot more surprised they showed up in Mexico! We get many varieties here. Once they are in season. I'll try to post em. But thanks for the "sprouts" name.
  19. liuzhou


    Yes, they are not the only small bananas I've seen and more "rotund" as you say. They do tend to be sweeter, too. I've eaten the red skin ones, too. In Laos or Cambodia. I forget which..
  20. liuzhou


    Today, I picked up a small bunch of these. As you can see they are small bananas. I'm wondering if they have a standard or common name in English. I know the local Chinese name, but Mr.Google is not helping. I bought some ripe ones to eat now and some green ones which will hopefully be ready when I get back from a two or three day trip I'm setting out on in the morning.
  21. I too am sure that velveting is not at all appropriate or even possible in this instance. Soy sauce chicken is made from the whole bird, intact. You can't velvet a whole bird. I've never heard of anyone making just a soy sauce breast, either. Nor have I ever heard of this repetitive in-and-out, reboiling, and re-inserting method. Can you link to any such recipe? But whatever, such a method is unrelated to anything sous-vide.
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