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Everything posted by liuzhou

  1. liuzhou

    Breakfast! 2018

    Boring Breakfast this morning, but I was in a hurry - mantou steamed bun (馒头 mán tóu) with boiled duck egg. Black coffee.
  2. liuzhou

    Breakfast! 2018

    Pork and cabbage wontons with a chilli dipping sauce.
  3. I'm baffled as to why why cast iron would be difficult to clean? I have more problems cleaning my teeth. I clean my cast iron woks and skillet more quickly, but have a few more than four teeth..
  4. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    Tonight, I made that ancient British dish dating back to prehistory and loved by the Picts and Gaels in their dozens. Spag Bol Beef, tomato, garlic, onion, extra virgin olive oil from the olive plantations of Auchtermuchty harvested by Siobhan , the only virgin in Auchermuchty, and don't forget the secret, final ingredient introduced to the UK before it was U or K by none other than Sean Connery's great, great, great ad nauseum grandfather, Williiam McConnery Esq., known to all as Silly Willy. I refer, of course, to Star Anise or as they are otherwise known, haggis droppings. In the Scots Gaelic this is called umami. Spag(hetti) , as everyone knows, was invented by the younger brother of the famous Marco, Mr. Dave Polo an itinerant Italian ice-cream vendor in Edinburgh. Hetti was his wife. The origins of "spag" are lost in the mists of Glencoe. Dave also invented a game in which upper class twits ride around on horses missing balls. The players miss the balls. The horses are reproductively intact. Unfortunately, so are a few of the players. Served with a sprinkling of Gran Biraghi, a cheese-like substance named after the grandmother of the notorious highland chieftain Biraghi, which in the Pictish language means, "I'd prefer a hamburger". To the right of my plate you may see a Microplane, an ancient Scottish weapon designed to inflict near maximum pain on the enemy - mainly the English. For maximun pain we played bagpipe music.
  5. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    Thanks, my first idea was rosemary, but it looked too green. Spring rosemary. I've grown rosemary in the past, but never thought to use it at that stage. Believe it or not, I know a woman called Rosemary Winter! I don't think they are related.
  6. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    What is the green herbery? Looks lovely.
  7. Agree. I only have one non-stick pan, which I only ever use for scrambled eggs, but as I rarely make them, it doesn't get much use. Had it for years and it's still as new. All my other pans are cast iron - three woks and one skillet. If properly seasoned and cared for, they become totally non-stick very quickly without the negative attributes of non-stick coated pans (high temperature sensitivity, wear and tear and particularly, possible carcinogenics.) The only exceptions are a stainless steel casserole dish (also seldom used) and a dirt cheap, small stainless pan for boiling or, more often, poaching eggs.
  8. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    I may have posted something similar before. Can't remember. This is my patchy recollection of a recipe I read decades ago. May have been Keith Floyd, but I've been unable to find it again.. Anyway, it's chicken with olives (green and black) and coriander leaf/cilantro in white wine with garlic, shallots and chilli. One of very few dishes in which I prefer the breast meat to the dark. With a simple tomato and onion salad.
  9. liuzhou

    Breakfast! 2018

    Wo wo tou steamed buns (窝窝头 wō wō tóu) with minced pork and 8-treasure pickled vegetables (八宝菜 bā bǎo cài)* stir fried with soy sauce. * Cabbage, day lily, bamboo shoots, fungus, dried tea, dried carrots, scallion and chilli.
  10. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    Great picture, @CantCookStillTry
  11. At risk of straying off topic here, but no, no one lives in that complex, but conveniently right next door is another gated complex where many of the people who work there do live and next door to that is the complex where I lived for fifteen years until a year ago when I moved somewhere very nearby. Fortunately, both my past address and my present address are on the same electricity supply line, so unlike most of the city which experiences regular power cuts, the Party can't be cut off, so neither am I. I cook with gas, but in the dark? I have, in the nature of my work, visited the government complex often and most guards wave me through, but occasionally I meet a newbie who thinks me passing through will destroy thousands of years of history and tradition. A phone call always sorts that out. The local restaurants are probably not too happy, as this recently opened canteen has taken away a lot of their business. In fact, one of my favourites, specialising in very local food gave up and moved to the other side of the city. I envy your scallops. The ones we get here are, if royal at all, at best, minor princesses.
  12. I believe the iBooks format is "EPUB". You can convert this to the Kindle format ("MOBI") by using the free conversion software from Calibre. There is a good, clear introduction here.
  13. liuzhou

    Breakfast! 2018

    Baked beans and poached egg with flat bread.
  14. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    Tonight, took this fellow: Yellow Croaker (大黄鱼 dà huáng yú) ... de-scaled, de-finned and gutted him, then fried him otherwise whole with ginger and garlic. Added Shaoxing wine, 豆瓣酱 dòu bàn jiàng (Chilli Bean Sauce) and briefly braised in the sauce. Added scallions. Stir fried some: Golden Bamboo Shoots (金竹笋 jīn zhú sǔn) Served with rice.
  15. Home made won tons with a twist. They contain river snail meat - a local speciality. With Sriracha sauce dip.The Thai kind.
  16. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/false-swap-meat/
  17. Bisto ain't bad, but the best was Burdall's Gravy Salts, which were sadly discontinued. I can't remember why. However, some one got hold of the recipe and sells it as Old Jake's Gravy Saviour. Indistinguishable from the original.
  18. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    Mine are that size. I've just never managed to eat one and go away happy. Unlike with hamburgers.
  19. liuzhou

    Dinner 2018

    One Rou Jiamo? Sorry, I don't understand the concept. One?
  20. Not a cent or as, we call them here, a mao. I've always thought the title of this topic should have "until next time" appended.
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