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Everything posted by herbacidal

  1. Blimey, should have mentioned it earlier. You should have asked for Katie Loeb while you were at Rouge. She works in the back. And is also PA forum host. I doubt Rittenhouse Square is larger than Washington Square, although the possibility is there. It is definitely more popular, although whether that remains true over the next twenty years remains to be seen.
  2. Okay, I'm in for din-din. What's the count at now?
  3. Well of course, because doing your research and due diligence is part of not assuming.
  4. as in "Holly and the other old geezers" Deja Vu in its time was one of Philadelphia's finest restaurants - especially grilled meats as I recall. I meant Holly and the more knowledgeable folks. Those with a much wider breadth of knowledge than me. So Deja Vu was the name of the restaurant? I was wondering if that's what he meant.
  5. That might be enough info for Holly and others to answer, but I suspect you'll need to give a little more info, perhaps: decor cuisine general location chef name chef description
  6. Often overlooked. And the hardest to understand, and the hardest to make others understand.
  7. Nice going, Mel. Keep on pushin'.
  8. I think that's a very accurate observation, one I never thought about before, but based on my personal experience, knowledge base, etc. one that is wholly correct.
  9. Get a savory crepe and a dessert crepe.
  10. There's also the Gleaners Cafe, two or three doors south of Anthony's. Don't know anything about quality, but it is there.
  11. Dammit I miss out on all the fun... If anyone reading this spends time in West Philly I would recommend the Green Line Cafe on 43rd and Baltimore. The coffee is good and they have nice baked goods but the real selling point is the space itself. Light, airy room with big windows on tree-lined street, nice quiet place to read for a few hours. Not packed with penn students. And you can watch the 34 trolly go by Can't say anything about the coffee, but I didn't realize how right my friend was when she suggested the place for a meeting and indicated coffee and "small sandwiches". Normally, I'd eat at least 2 of those. The vibe is okay tho, sorta like Last Drop is now.
  12. Ling's blog here has a lot of interesting notes on this. Personally, when I was in college, I was the fattest I've ever been. All the pizza they had around at various things. Lost 20-25 lbs once I stepped away from all that.
  13. Used to like it before it changed owners. It's okay now, but not the same.
  14. oh, but hell yes. Brava's lineup consists mainly of paid prospamming, occasionally interspersed with NBC retreads and Columbo reruns. And Rocco's getting edited a la Real World crazy roommate-style. Yea, not suprisingly, they're running a lot of their shows multiple times. The Restaurant not as much as some of the others though.
  15. No, but it is pretty funny that you are just turning 21 and all those places listed are not adult enough. Ah, I have no qualms about being grown-up or not grown-up - I'm just trying to avoid guys who think a great opening for a conversation is, "So, do you go to Georgetown or GW?" So if I wanted to, would a better opening line be, "So, do you go to Catholic or American?" Use Spirits Tour instead of Bar Crawl. Actually, I think it sounds crappy, but I used it last year for something.
  16. Please elaborate. I would expect them to be just the higher end part of the New York scene.
  17. So does Jewish Apple Cake have lots of sadness, self-loathing, messy kids? Maybe Mazel tov written on top? Okay, let me step out of firing range. Actually I don't know that those might be Jewish characteristics. The sadness part is more Russian, at least to me. Don't know where I got self-loathing from. Messy kids is just from personal experience in Chinese restaurants.
  18. Yea, gotta admit I was strangely engrossed with it. Did notice 2 things that perturbed me: That sacrificing yourself thing got old as soon as Bruce Willis did it in Armageddon, so it was annoying when FEMA head guy did it. The playing of music during the action sequence (when during the last earthquake the doctor, who I think was on Jack and Jill for its brief run, ran through everybody to save the little girl) has been used a lot more lately, hasn't it? I first remember it in Face Off, but I'm sure I've seen it lately in a bunch of different stuff. Just to keep on topic, I'm actually watching the show more than last season. I think I liked it better when I was just reading the thread here.
  19. Gary's right. Check those links out, they're pretty good. And if you're willing to be adventurous, you can just stumble randomly around town, and you're very likely to find tons of authentic food.
  20. Yea me too. I'll gladly trade mine.
  21. Stopped by Sweet Lucy's recently. Didn't really mean to, was just driving by, when I noticed the sign, and quickly decided to double back. Good stuff, although I had the brisket and didn't get to the ribs or pulled pork. Mentioned the possibility of a future event here, and they're happy to accomodate with tables and such. A Saturday would be good, because the parking lot they're in wouldn't have all the cars from the business that owns the lot.
  22. Wow, I'm pretty sure I used these when I was catering. I think it was the shrimp cocktail tray.
  23. herbacidal

    Ethnic Pop

    That blood orange Pellegrino is tasty. No clue as to where it's available in Colorado. I assume you've tried getting from wholesalers.
  24. Tim, Sweetbreads will be included, right? If not, fermented fish kidneys would be an acceptable substitute. Oh sweet mother of God, this is taking a wrong turn. I'm sure for the unadventurous and timid wimps like Rich it can be included as a limited portion option, much like the vegetarian entree choice.
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