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Everything posted by herbacidal

  1. Shrimp dumpling noodle soups are dumpling noodle soups. Shrimp dumplings are dumpling soups. In my experience, pork dumplings are served in broth.
  2. Okay, let's further muddy the waters. Cantonese, when referring to wonton soup, usually just call it wonton. For instance, if I wanted wonton soup, I would ask for a bowl of wontons. If I wanted wonton noodle soup, I would ask for wonton noodle. In both cases, the broth is understood to be part of it. If I wanted a dumpling noodle soup, I would ask for dumpling noodle. Now to the best of my knowledge, in most situations, the focus is to be on the noodles, wontons, and other ingredients. The broth is most often an afterthought, in my experience a simple chicken broth. I don't know about other parts of China, because it occurs to me that I've never eaten noodle soups outside of Cantonese areas. Okay, here's one of those replies. For a lot of people in my family, the broth would be the main ingredient. Many people would just drink the broth and leave the other ingredients (in Cantonese, referred to as jaa). I'm actually thinking of ching bo leung in particular. But at the same time , some people, including me, always eat the ingredients.
  3. That is by far the most hilarious thread I have ever, ever read on Egullet. More exactly, the original post that started the thread is by leaps and bounds funnier than anything else I've read. I was laughing for 5 straight minutes after reading the original post. It brought tears to my eyes.
  4. To me, it sounds better like Mirage. I think it's an interesting name. But I have a short memory.
  5. Waiting until the pig is in the back of her car while you're parked in front of the house sounds like a winner. Don't forget to get a buncha alcohol in her that day if possible. If not, if she's hung over from the night before, then she'll still put up less resistance. right?
  6. You're right that a predominant portion of the Chinese cuisine in most people's experience is likely to be Cantonese, as greater numbers of overseas Chinese are Cantonese than from any other province (Cantonese refers to those from Guangdong province). This is slowly changing, as more people emigrate from Shanghai, Sichuan, Beijing, Taiwan, etc. For instance, up until 10-14 years ago, the dominant Chinese dialect in Philly Chinatown was Cantonese. Since then, Fukienese and Mandarin have emerged, not to mention Vietnamese, and while Cantonese is still probably the most probable default language, it's far from dominant. I'd say about 50%. BTW, Cantonese dumplings aren't boiled, not to my knowledge. They normally would be steamed or fried. The most traditional filling for Cantonese would be pork.
  7. herbacidal


    That's no problem. You can join us for Round Two.
  8. Supposedly they're opening Saturday, according to this. One of the owners, James Colabelli used to be a sommelier at Davio's and I think was the original sommelier at Avenue B. I think he also has done a wine column for one of the local mags, either Philadelphia Style or RealPhilly. I think the place has a better chance in that neighborhood than Bella, unfortunately. Business-wise, Bella was competing with the BYOBs, which is tough with the liquor license, because prices have to be higher, and Bella was too small to make enough money off drinks to contribute enough to overall costs. Plus Bella opened in a slightly worse economy. Which is a shame, because I really liked the food and everything. I think Meritage has a chance, because its prices are not just higher, but much higher and there are way-old school classics on the menu. So people won't lump the place in with the other BYOBs. Also, those classics will appeal to the more traditional dining types in town, and for the newer people who've never had those classics might be willing to splurge once. For instance, I've never had any of those types of things, and would be willing to try them in the right situation with the right person, etc. I'm not saying I necessarily like their chances of doing well, but I do think they have a much better chance than Bella did there. Supposedly the 2 owners will be the only FOH staff, which does mean there's a good chance service will be stellar, if they can pull it off well.
  9. I think it sounds interesting. Especially if the pork rinds are salty enough. The sweet flavor of chocolate followed by the salty flavor of the pork? Interesting.
  10. That list looks to me like it was drawn from memory. Damm good list.
  11. herbacidal


    Sam, you wanna check it out next time I'm in town? Never had Peruvian.
  12. Is there anywhere in NY Metro that has it?
  13. herbacidal

    Ethnic Pop

    Gotta admit, I'm not aware of one thing New Zealand exports. For some odd reason, that's suprising to me. Anyway, soda sweetened with honey does sound interesting. As long as it's instead of any artificial sweetener and not in addition to. Wait, NZ exports lamb, right?
  14. We all bailed. Waiting to hear news about rescheduling.
  15. Nah, this is much more fashion forward. If not, this or that would be quite acceptable.
  16. IIRC, she's in the DC area.
  17. I think someone probably does have a clue. Maybe he/she isn't not high enough on the food chain there to do anything, and there's not enough others with clues, and maybe lots of company politics. Plus to try to get a company the size of McD's to do anything requires fighting through lots of institutional inertia. Maybe something is in the works. Not that I really care that much.
  18. I think that's way overly optimistic, but during the week in Philly is better anyway. I do expect any East Coast pizza to blow any Portland-area pizza away, and Tacconelli's would be at least an above-average representative.
  19. I am fully confident in our ability to pull something off, if not a PC event, than a dinner to write home about. Not to mention the semi-sordid stories of what happens afterwards.
  20. ya know, I wondered that. Since we are in the "upper crust" section, so to speak, the food generally is better. At least we won't be eating corn dogs, this much I know. I used to work a few of the parties for one of the caterers. It's at Radnor Hunt, right? Can't remember our client. I do very vaguely remember we won a food award there at least once. If Peachtree and Ward, Feast Your Eyes, or Max and Me are the caterers, the food should at least be decent.
  21. Do make sure you check out Melmck's opening a bakery thread. It may help you down the line.
  22. Yea, but this time we're gonna check and make sure the selected restaurant has the particular menu item in stock.
  23. If you really want to, see if you can find out who the caterers for your particular booth. Some of them do some pretty good spreads, although some probably are just okay.
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