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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel

    Del Posto

    Thanks for the advice.. Yup, you are right..I just called back to be put on the wait list.. I was told by the hostess they only give reservations to tables more then 4 at 6 or 9.. It seems strange that I need to be forced to eat at one of two times.. For someone with a busy life and out of town guests, I dont have the good fortune of being able to hope for a proper time the day of.. Which will force me to double book.. If it works out then fine, if not, it will be another cancelled attempted at Del Posto for me..
  2. Daniel

    Veal Kidneys

    Ooo, mustard sauce works for me... MB has an interesting version too.. It has potatoes,mushrooms, veal kidneys, parsley and garlic.. Now I am completely at a loss..
  3. Daniel

    Del Posto

    I asked the hostess if there was a time that wasnt 6 or 9 for the next month for four people.. She said there was one reservation available on the 27th of July..
  4. Daniel

    Del Posto

    I have been trying to go to Del Posto for some time.. But the whole process of getting a reservation and having to deal with the snotty hostess giving you the arbitrary times of 6 or 9 is so annoying.. I am currently trying to make a reservation and have been on hold for 7 minutes. They must really not want my table of 6 because I dont find being treated like garbage a turn on.. You would expect a place that is shooting for four stars would have a bettter reservation process.. This is not a good way to start an experience..
  5. Daniel

    Veal Kidneys

    Thanks for the suggestions.. Would you soak them first or boil a little.. I was reading in this book that they could have urine in them.. Is this possible?
  6. Daniel

    Veal Kidneys

    I have veal kidneys in my fridge.. I was hoping someone has a good recipe for them.. I dont think I have ever eaten them before..
  7. I am slipping,.. I completely missed Big Apple BBQ and didnt even know this was happening... Looks like a great time.. Can you tell me more about that space.. Looks like a perfect place to have my bday party..
  8. I dont think it was the location as much as it was how it was billed.. I think the locals thought it was for theater crowds and the theater crowds might have thought the place was too trendy or going to be too crowded.. Or perhaps unaware all together of its existance..
  9. Yakatori Totto, is one place I have been to 5 times in the last 3 months... Grand Sichuan satisfies Fat Guy's criteria.. Other then that, I am a hopper.. There are too many places I want to try to just repeat. I use to go to Onera a lot, but not since chef left.. I use to go to Celeste a lot, but have gotten really bored of its repetition and went as often as I did based on it being a block from my apartment. When I lived in the 40's a year and a half ago.. I would go to Saka Gura, the Palm, Zarella's, Bellini's and Douglas Rodriguez's old restauarant which closed, weekly.. I would either order from Chin Chin or Grand Sichuan for Chinese Food.. Or go to the dumpling spot on 50th.. And even though I loved all these places, I havent been to any of them since I moved over a year ago..
  10. Although the food might have been approachable, I dont think the restaurant was.. If it was in any other neighborhood ,it would have been great.
  11. That's wild if its really going to be an Ollie's.. I went in the opening weeks and was happy.. I wonder if it was closed to focus on other ventures, or what? The new Ollie's, will sadly be a goldmine for sure
  12. I love your photos Jason.. I think you need to post the BBQ Shrimp Po Boy too...
  13. Wow Chufi.. That broodje halfom:looks awesome.. Is the pekelvlees the meat on top.. I cant pronounce it but, I knows I wants it..
  14. We just set up our AeroGarden three days ago. Along with buying a couple of window boxes filled with herbs, we decided to start growing lettuce in the AeroGarden.. I dont have camera posting abilities for a little bit, but right now there isnt much happening.. We have just a few sprouts.. Anyone else using theres right now and have suggestions..
  15. I think its interesting that this story would be allowed to leave China.. A Country that has such a strangle hold on its media, why let this story out? Perhaps they are trying to attack the "myth" and make tourists feel better.. Either way, one needs to take any story coming from The Chinese Government as calculated..
  16. Ahh yes... Riddle and Martin as well as the European Provisions is on my list of write ups..
  17. I have not been to Magnifico's in 10 years.. But, I have always loved there Ice Cream.. I have always just stayed with the Vanilla or Chocolate Soft Serve.. I want to call it a custard, its just so dense and creamy. Magnifico's has it all they offer hard ice cream, milk shakes, blend ins,sundays with an array of toppings.. Marshmallow to me is a must..I am impressed with there freshly made waffle sandwichs, homemade cookie sandwiches, and the pretzle cone.. Heavily salted, its a great thing.. And the people working when I went were fast and skilled.. A fine cone: I dont know much about the Ice Cream or the history besides it being around since 1981.. I was hoping this post would get people speaking about the place..
  18. Daniel

    3 a.m. party grub

    Well this might be a wierd one..This wasnt at 3 am, it started being made at midnight and was left to cool and be eaten around 2.. With the left over delivery Thai food rice, I made rice pudding for me and my buddy.. Also had on the side a small pitcher (about a cup and a half worth) of caramel.. Pudding with lots of vanilla..
  19. I think about these Monkey's sitting around with big bellies and empty big mac and fry boxes laying around there cages.. And laugh a little.. Then I think about the scientists who wasted there time on this issue instead of doing something productive.. That I find sad.. This subject has been beaten to death.. High fatty fried foods are bad for you and your monkey, got it..
  20. Not for everyone. Surely you've heard that some cooks like to be challenged by a dish, ingredient, or method? Makes perfect sense to me: I'd rather eat raw flesh than cook over gas. As for risky behavior that threatens to ruin food, check out the dry curing done over on the Cooking from Charcuterie topic. ← Chris, I have been following that thread.. I can barely take looking at that moldy sausage you have as your Avatar.. Especially in todays condition..
  21. A normal meal for me and my girl lasts 2-3 hours when we are out.. Last nights dinner was 3 1/2 hours.. A normal Sunday meal is from 430 pm to 9 pm.. or a meal when we entertain friends last from 6 pm until 11pm or midnight if its a work night.. On a weekend its more like 8 pm to 2-4 am.. My longest meal out in recent years was at Tru.. We were there for about 5 hours.. I left there more full then I have ever been.. Road trips included.. I was in actual pain, short of breath, it was horrible.. Completely not there fault, the food was just too good..
  22. Julia Child,Alice Waters,Paula Wolfert, or even my Mom, would have to disagree.. GR is a prick, or a sell out.. Either way, his character cant be taken seriously.. Cooking, chess, soccer or boxing, I can watch anyone do it..
  23. Ann.. That one hurt.. Photos like that make me remember that I need to eat something.. Simple breakfast of homemade french bread huh? Simple for you maybe...
  24. Daniel

    3 a.m. party grub

    I remember those guys, Chufi.. I can not believe I havent made those yet...I will attempt those before 3 am though..
  25. Daniel

    3 a.m. party grub

    I went to this Japanese Market in Edgewater NJ.. They have everything from Sake to Sushi..
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