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Everything posted by chromedome

  1. Here in Canada, I've had Newfoundlanders ask me in all seriousness, "Oh, you're from the mainland? Maybe you know my cousin Phil, he moved over there." I was from Nova Scotia, and Phil turned out to work in Fort McMurray, some 4000-odd km away, but hey...it's all the mainland.
  2. A bit of vindication for potato lovers: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2022.867378/full (ETA: Yeah, I know, the funding came from potato growers. But they do make a case...)
  3. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/what-is-caramel-pie
  4. In the spirit of many other such vain protestations on this thread... I will never again gesture eloquently with the hand that's holding the freshly-poured cup of coffee.
  5. 'Informed hypocrisy" is a great line. https://www.canarymedia.com/articles/food-and-farms/whats-the-most-climate-friendly-way-to-eat-its-tricky
  6. chromedome

    Breakfast 2022

    I've tried to grow it a couple of times, indoors and out, with no success. It irritates me unreasonably, given that the stuff grows wild pretty much everywhere.
  7. It can be, certainly, though I prefer the ones that cut triangles. It's used mostly for things like marking out sheet cakes and bar cookies into uniform pieces. You *can* cut with it, though ideally you only cut partway and then use something sharper for the final cuts after you've got it marked.
  8. I was gifted one of these on my last trip to Nova Scotia, brand new and still in the box. I don't expect to use it a lot, but it *is* a tool I've wanted to have kicking around. I expect I'll do more baking after midsummer, when we've moved in with my stepdaughter and the grandkids (the house was built as 2 units, but they've been living in the whole house until now).
  9. That's what I've read. Can't verify it personally, alas, for reasons cited above.
  10. I find potato blossoms very pretty, though you do need to get up close to really appreciate them. You can actually grow potatoes from the seeds in the small tomato-like fruit, and I know of a few landrace gardeners who do exactly that in order to get varieties that are finely attuned to their own growing areas. I had attempted to save some from a couple of my plants, and try growing them out myself, but sadly they fell victim to an in-fridge spill during winter storage.
  11. It's gender-flipped in my home, which is why my GF thought it was hilarious and sent it to me.
  12. Live spot prawns sold by Tri-Star Seafood Supply (sold from BC to Ontario, and possibly redistributed elsewhere) have been recalled for norovirus. https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/certain-tri-star-seafood-supply-ltd-brand-live-spot-prawns-recalled-due-norovirus?utm_source=gc-notify&utm_medium=email&utm_content=en&utm_campaign=hc-sc-rsa-22-23&
  13. The Jif peanut butter recall (salmonella) has now been broadened to include Canada. https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/certain-jif-brand-peanut-butters-recalled-due-salmonella?utm_source=r_listserv
  14. Mind you, this still falls way, way short of the infamous Hoover debacle of 30 years ago.
  15. They claim they did, but on the evidence I can only conclude it was not done especially well.
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/18/this-cant-be-real-grubhub-promotion-turns-new-york-city-restaurants-into-a-war-zone
  17. An amusing sidebar to the whole theme... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/18/florence-coffee-bar-customer-calls-police-over-price-of-espresso
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