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Everything posted by chromedome

  1. A recent review of how the various macronutients affect satiety and weight gain/loss. The TL;DR version? "It's complicated," and most of the prevailing theories (such as the carbohydrate/insulin model) have sparse support in the data and plenty of contradictions. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2451965021000946
  2. It's interesting you should mention blue cheese in the context of celery, because I find them a wonderful pairing. When I was a sprout I'd eat celery with Cheez Whiz on it (I never heard of "ants on a log" until I was a grownup, and thought it a truly bizarre combination), and celery with blue cheese is basically the adult equivalent.
  3. I've cooked the same mix on the brown rice setting in my Zo, and it came out well.
  4. The presence of seeds is literally what defines a fruit (which includes eggplants, tomatoes and bell peppers). Seedlessness in fruits simply means they're smaller/less mature/less noticeable when harvested for human consumption. As noted by Heidi, gender in this context isn't a thing.
  5. Tripped across this on Twitter today, because former eGer Monica Bhide retweeted an ad for it (with what feelings, I can only imagine). https://evochef.in/product/ec-flip/ Commenters on the Twitter thread had a lot of fun with it ("When the printer jams and you need to print a test idli...").
  6. Not Anna, but it's uncooked according to the product page. https://www.presidentschoice.ca/product/pc-chicken-kiev-4-pieces/20503397_EA
  7. Thank you for the extra info. When I bought my backup Cuise I got a tolerably full set of accessories with it, including a stem extension and a truly startling number of discs (it was a pretty nice throw-in). In truth all I was really looking for was a replacement bowl (mine was cracked), and everything else was basically a throw-in. I have yet to use a single disc, but as time goes on and my arthritis worsens I can see this being useful stuff to have. Also, though we don't entertain a lot, it seems a much faster way of prepping for a crowd than knives or even a mandoline.
  8. I was fine with old-school analog dials, and in fact used to have a commercial Toshiba model from the ...I dunno, late 70s?...with that kind. My current one is much higher-tech. By way of illustration: Previous microwave: Punch in time (eg 1-3-0). Press Start. Current Microwave: Dial knob clockwise, not too fast or I'll miss it... Crap!...missed it... Dial knob counterclockwiseTOOFARCRAP! Dial knob clockwise, v e r r r r y slowly to 1:30 Press start. In actual practice I often just hit the "Quick minute" button, and then take it out after the number of seconds I really wanted. Yes, to be clear, I'm (slightly) exaggerating for comedic effect, but I do find the dial inconvenient to use. As you say, different strokes.
  9. My favorites were numbers 3 and 5, but 8 gets honorable mention.
  10. Thank you. Duh. I knew I'd feel like an idiot once I actually saw the word.
  11. Bumping this to ask a quick question: What's the actual "Cuisinart name" for the side shooter attachment? I'm drawing blanks in my head, on Google, and on Cuisinart's own site.
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2022/aug/22/pasta-one-liner-wins-masai-graham-best-joke-award-at-edinburgh-festival-fringe
  13. I have a similar model and am happy with it, overall. I'm not a fan of the twist-knob interface (it's "elegant" from the engineering perspective, a PITA in daily use, but hey...it makes for a nicely uncluttered panel...) but overall it is indeed a very good microwave. And the dial *is* simple to understand and use, however impatient it makes me.
  14. chromedome


    I grow mine primarily for the greens (Early Wonder is my cultivar of choice, for that reason, it produces greens pretty lavishly) and treat the actual beetroots as a bonus. I do love 'em, though. If you have a spiralizer, try doing them as skinny spirals and then deep-frying them until crisp. I won't do it often, but enjoy it every time. I generally spiralize them for a slaw, too, just because it's prettier and less messy than shredding (though your spiralizer will be permanently pink as a result). I'll often dress my beets with pomegranate syrup, either as a glaze while they're cooking or over leftovers that I'm converting to a salad. I like any combination of sweet and bitter greens, nuts (usually walnuts in my case) and a pungent cheese to go with them. Those are all pretty safe choices, but why mess with what works?
  15. Ontario only, but Crescent brand pastrami and Tuscan-flavored turkey breast are recalled for possible Listeria contamination. https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/crescent-brand-pastrami-and-turkey-breast-tuscan-flavoured-recalled-due-listeria?utm_source=gc-notify&utm_medium=email&utm_content=en&utm_campaign=hc-sc-rsa-22-23&
  16. chromedome

    Dinner 2022

    Cool. One of those was among the tools I inherited from my father, and I hadn't (yet) thought of using it on foods.
  17. You'd think the WSJ could afford a copy editor who knows the difference between "cache" and "cachet."
  18. I freeze a whole piece of ginger in a Ziploc, and then microplane it as needed. I tend to use it sporadically - a lot for a short time, then none for a long time - so this makes sense for me. As for garlic, I typically puree most of my garden's harvest with a bit of oil and pack it flat (and thin) in Ziploc bags for the freezer. Once the held-back fresh portion of my harvest is past its prime I switch to the frozen, taking it out and breaking off a corner (or more often, a big ol' chunk) as needed.
  19. I'm sorry, I don't know why it's so small. In the first frame the tea drinker snarls "Coffee is disgusting! I only drink the finest leaves!" In the second frame the coffee drinker scowls and opines that "Tea is just pompous water! Real adults drink coffee." In the third frame, the cocoa drinker - wrapped in a comfy, fuzzy hoodie with blissed-out cartoon eyes - says "Sometimes I add rainbow sprinkles."
  20. In an entirely predictable outcome, the editor-in-chief of SciAm has been targeted online for publishing this piece: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/eating-too-much-protein-makes-pee-a-problem-pollutant-in-the-u-s/ For those who have access to such things through work or a library, here's the study itself: https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/fee.2531
  21. https://www.science.org/content/article/supercharged-biotech-rice-yields-40-more-grain
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