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Everything posted by chromedome

  1. The very first episode, in fact.
  2. chromedome

    Duck: The Topic

    I had genuinely expected that to be the culmination of the story.
  3. chromedome

    Duck: The Topic

    Huh. My local No Frills (the discount arm of Loblaw's, our largest grocery chain) has ducks for $3CDN/lb, up from $2/lb back in the spring. They're costlier at the main supermarkets, mind you.
  4. My GF is keen to do this now that we're on an acreage. May or may not happen, of course, but I'll keep an eye on this thread.
  5. Figured it out in less than a week. Not that it isn't obvious...
  6. "The Glue That Holds This Place Together" has a nice ring to it, but doesn't reduce well to a keyword search.
  7. Where the "Food Funnies" and "Companions" threads overlap...
  8. More or less my reaction, as well. Oddly, my earworm when I woke up this morning was the Beatles' "Piggies" (I can't imagine what I might have been dreaming about), specifically the line about them using forks and knives to eat their bacon. Finding this on my timeline a few minutes afterwards seemed utterly apropos.
  9. chromedome

    Duck egg ideas...

    ... an eggsistential dilemma...
  10. Not so much, no. I like being on the coast. Truthfully it was not the winters there that I minded, it was the summers. Not a fan of hot-and-dry (not a fan of hot, period, but getting desiccated as a side benefit just seemed a bit much).
  11. A few of ours have will have their date with destiny in another week or so, and that'll be my reward for doing the skinning and cleaning.
  12. Clearly you haven't watched Rowan Atkinson as Blackadder (he refers to his sidekick, Baldric, as his dogsbody). Definition is here: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/dogsbody Good luck to you on your enterprise. You're just about smack between my ex's maternal family (Fort St. John) and paternal family (Edmonton).
  13. My GF's mom used to slow-roast hers overnight, stuffed, at a very low temperature (250F, I think?) and then leave it on the counter from mid-morning until the big meal in mid-late afternoon. Then it would sit out all evening for random passers-by to nibble at. My poor sweetie thought she was cursed, because she would invariably be sick over the holidays. Then a few years back she found herself in a new relationship with a former chef/food safety trainer, and it hasn't happened since. Go figure.
  14. As pointed out by Glaswegian comic Danny Bhoy when touring the country...
  15. chromedome

    Breakfast 2022

    I follow her on Twitter, and own both of her books. I'm differently equipped, so to speak, but was interested on my own account (because most of the people I care about in this world are female), and also wanted them on the shelf for daughter, stepdaughters, granddaughters, etc. I remember the lentil binge, and her pleased surprise in the outcome.
  16. I ran into that when I was trying GF recipes for my daughter. Cutting back on the liquids (by up to 1/4 cup), or cutting back on the yeast (if it seems to be over-proofing) both helped, depending on the recipe. So did lower temperatures/longer baking times, but those are harder to manage in a bread machine.
  17. My takeaway from the above is "Please help me rationalize Option #4!" You're in the right place for that, there's quite an accomplished crew of enablers hereabouts. I haven't been in your shoes yet, though there's a kitchen upgrade in our not too distant future. Personally I'd have a concern about taking out that small 12-inch "mostly dead" space (to quote The Princess Bride, "there's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead"). I've lost one of those little 12-inch beside-the-range cupboards in a rental (it basically fell apart, and the landlord took it out without replacing it), and I missed it more than I'd anticipated. YMMV, and of course the extra burner and 6 inches of stovetop may be worth it in your case. Similarly, because it's not yet certain that this is your "forever home," losing storage space in the short term could narrow your pool of potential buyers should you opt to sell. The stove would compensate for that with some buyers, but to a lot of them it might also smack of that cliche about the low-value used car with the $10,000 stereo inside. I'm not saying those things necessarily matter to you, just spitballing here.
  18. Yup, that's... enigmatic.
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