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Everything posted by chromedome

  1. This might just as easily go in the "Bad Ideas" topic, but it's an interesting read. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/aspics-jello-salad
  2. Something of a digression, but this little venture into the most extreme form of Extreme Gardening caught my eye: https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/05/plants-can-grow-in-lunar-soil-but-very-poorly/
  3. My mise en place bowls do double duty as custard cups (when measured by frequency of use for each respective purpose). My own supply is not as low as I'd thought, now that several have come home to roost after stints at other family members' houses, third-duty use in various other rooms, etc.
  4. My late wife liked her Diet Pepsi just at the very cusp of freezing, so that happened pretty predictably a couple of times/month. I got mightily tired of cleaning those...
  5. That assumes distilled vinegar, though. Wine vinegar, cider vinegar and especially balsamic would have lots of extra "stuff" to carbonize.
  6. chromedome

    Dinner 2022

    Nice! They're about a week away where I live, and vanishingly rare (though apparently one brand of bark mulch sold locally gifted a few enthusiasts with an unexpected flush of them, last year). There are some Gyromitra korfii and G. esculenta already about, but I'm not familiar enough with false morels (or, frankly, interested enough) to mess around with the necessary levels of careful ID and/or preparation.
  7. It's been renewed for a second season, apparently. We've watched as far as Episode 6, so far, but haven't had the chance to wrap up the season. We've enjoyed it greatly, and - since I've never seen the real Julia's show, and know little of her life beyond the main points - any anachronisms or anomalies are lost on me anyway. Whatever its merits or deficiencies as biography, it's good television.
  8. Amplification/correction on the existing recall: https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/various-elite-brand-products-recalled-due-salmonella#wb-auto-2?utm_source=r_listserv
  9. I can remember at one point we got tired of my mom burning herself at the base of her thumb/top of her wrist, so we replaced her heat pads with oven mitts. She immediately began burning herself at the base of her wrist, just where the mitts stopped. So we bought her longer oven mitts, and she began burning herself at the top of her forearm right (wait for it) where the mitts ended. So Dad told her to just call him when she had things to take out of the oven. She didn't bake but once or twice after he died, so that was a non-issue, but her forearms like yours are a constant mass of bruises and recent scrapes (her skin is similarly fragile).
  10. An absolute boatload of Elite brand sweets (chocolate bars, cookies, chewing gum, the works) are being recalled for salmonella. Distribution is national. https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/various-elite-brand-products-recalled-due-salmonella?utm_source=r_listserv
  11. This one's very localized, but I'll share it because several of you live in ON. Bulk organic poppyseeds sold at at Healthy Planet in Markham are being recalled for salmonella. https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/certain-organic-poppy-seeds-recalled-due-salmonella
  12. Plastic shopping bags (single-use) are outlawed here as well, but oddly the plastic produce bags are still allowed. I'm not sure why.
  13. I walk over to the portion of the produce section where greens and herbs get misted regularly, moisten my fingers there, and then open the bag.
  14. As someone who visits scores (sometimes hundreds) of websites/day in the line of work, this is an increasing irritation for me. Tone-on-tone text, print that can't be resized (ie enlarged) without breaking the page layout, it's just infuriating. I would be very surprised indeed if there's not a significant legal push to extend the ADA to US-based sites (and eventually similar guidelines to non-US sites). As online life becomes more central to everyone, sites' failings on the accessibility front are increasingly conspicuous.
  15. chromedome

    Dinner 2022

    Would that have been Fleur de Sel in Lunenburg?
  16. That's why I don't wear them, personally. Nor clogs, for that matter, which have a tendency to fly off of my foot like a kicked soccer ball. I like footwear that lashes securely into place.
  17. There's also an update on the poppyseed recall. https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/various-poppy-seeds-recalled-due-salmonella?utm_source=r_listserv
  18. Inari brand organic poppyseeds have been recalled for salmonella. Distribution has been at least BC to Quebec, and they may have been redistributed to the remaining provinces. https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/food-recall-warning-inari-brand-organic-blue-poppy-seeds-recalled-due-salmonella?utm_source=r_listserv
  19. ...annnnd, just a couple of hours later, there's a correction. I haven't scrolled through them looking for the discrepancies, but here's the corrected list. https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/certain-kinder-brand-chocolate-products-recalled-due-possible-salmonella-0?utm_source=r_listserv
  20. The Kinder recall has been updated and expanded: https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/certain-kinder-brand-chocolate-products-recalled-due-possible-salmonella-0?utm_source=r_listserv
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