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Everything posted by chromedome

  1. Definitely something that caught my eye (we're waiting for an opening for my mom to go into care). https://www.therecord.com/news/waterloo-region/2022/01/31/food-tracking-artificial-intelligence-system-aims-to-reduce-malnutrition-in-long-term-care.html
  2. Up here it was emus. There's one hardy survivor still showing up at the local farmer's market. A few places have llamas or alpacas as well, and one sells the prepared alpaca wool directly to crafters.
  3. The whole discussion of his accent put me in mind of Mrs. Doubtfire. Pierce Brosnan: You're accent's a bit...muddled. Williams: So's your tan, dear.
  4. Hankook brand kimchi, sold in the four western provinces, is being recalled for E.coli contamination. https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/hankook-korean-characters-only-brand-original-kimchi-recalled-due-e-coli-o157h7?utm_source=r_listserv
  5. (shrug) We have lots of threads on SV, and certainly if there are any significant advances on the technology or its underlying science I'm sure it'll turn up on the board one way or another. Perhaps here, perhaps in a sv-specific thread. Either way's good. Not all food science correlates directly to a cooking technique, or indeed to cookery directly, just as not all medical research correlates directly and immediately to clinical treatment. This thread, by design, casts a wide net (I can say that, I'm the OP). If a particular post doesn't catch your interest, just skip on to the next one. That's the whole point of a catch-all thread.
  6. No, I expect I'll also stick with my Brita for home use. If it proves practical and scalable it could save a lot of lives in parts of the world where waterborne illnesses like cholera are still public health crises, though.
  7. LOL Whatever makes you happy. It wouldn't hold my interest for long, as I have no particular use-case for SV.
  8. LOL News flash! (In the interest of fairness, I suspect Canadian numbers would make equally grim reading) https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/01/even-before-covid-americans-were-failing-at-health-basics-diet-exercise/
  9. My GF shared this one on FB, with the comment "...and a bar in my shower..."
  10. I've gotten past the "it's not a meal without bread" aspect of my upbringing, and can't say that obligatory toast is something I've seen as a general rule. I just like it with my eggs (and my porridge, fwiw) as a textural contrast.
  11. https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/01/kombucha-cultures-make-excellent-sustainable-water-filters-study-finds/
  12. Probably not a huge risk for anyone who hangs out here, but two nationally-distributed brands of prepared sandwiches, burgers and donairs sold at convenience stores, gas stations etc have been recalled for listeria contamination. https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/certain-quality-fast-foods-brand-and-hygaard-fine-foods-ltd-brand-sandwiches-0?utm_source=r_listserv
  13. I don't have it in me to enjoy a fried egg without toast, whatever other starches might be present. Can't have one without the other, as the song says. In my case it's usually in the form of "breakfast for dinner," since that's when fried eggs usually make sense for me.
  14. Hmm. A couple of local vendors had tried to organize something like that here in New Brunswick, but their respective ambitions outstripped their financial resources. One foundered (in part because of an all-advised expansion designed to underpin this scheme), while the other teetered on the edge of bankruptcy for a few months (because of expansion not directly related to this scheme) before being bought out by another local business. Currently the idea is on hiatus, as one would expect in Plague Times. Perhaps someone else will pick it up and run with it.
  15. Further to the same general topic: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/jan/22/were-pricing-the-poor-out-of-food-in-the-uk-thats-why-im-launching-my-own-price-index? I won't get into it here, but Jack's own story is compelling reading for anyone who wants to do a bit of Googling.
  16. Here in the Great White North, they were promoted heavily as being sweeter than white. Evidently this was successful, because white grapefruit seem to come and go (perhaps seasonal?) in relatively short order, while pink are always available. This may just be the effect of growing regions and distribution patterns, though. I honestly don't know.
  17. I don't know if anyone here buys the Evive brand of frozen smoothie fixin's, but their "Immunity Super Functional Smoothie" is being recalled for the presence of raw elderberries, which are (duh) toxic due to their cyanide content. https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/consumption-evive-brand-immunity-super-functional-smoothie-may-cause-cyanide-poisoning?utm_source=r_listserv
  18. After said incident, you are just plain "less sanguine."
  19. chromedome

    Breakfast 2022

    LOL "Two people and a truffle" doesn't inspire quite the same degree of sympathy as "two people and a ham."
  20. If I'm being honest, my frequent inability to cough up the actual name of a given kitchen implement (never mind a fanciful one) is a reason I prefer to be alone in the kitchen.
  21. I remember the attendant at the window pushing books about astronauts and the moon landing (I started school in '69). I had those books for years; they were from Rand-McNally IIRC.
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