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    Brandon, Manitoba

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  1. Yes. Most of the brisket is sitting in the jus. Supper tonight!
  2. Dejah

    Dinner 2024

    SO many lovely meals to catch up on! A few from my kitchen: Steamed chicken with Shitaki Mushrooms and Chinese Sausage Moroccan Seasoned Veal Kafta Father's Day Surf & Turf, with Rhubarb Pie a la mode for dessert Made my former restaurant's #13, Sweet & Sour Ribs for a good neighbor who helps us out with lawns, etc.
  3. I bought a big chunk of beef brisket. Cut the thin end for stew, the original purpose for the purchase. It's still not as good as short ribs. What to do with the thicker half? I don't have a smoker, so I decided to season and do sous vide. The brisket was seasoned with Applewood Smoked Salt and coarse grind black pepper then vacuum sealed. I set the process up in the evening, 155.5F for 25 hours. It was ready next evening around 9 pm. Left the brisket in the bag, sooled off then into the fridge. There was quite a bit of dark gelatinous liquid in the bag. I had planned to give it a sear on the BBQ, but got lazy. Sliced some up for sandwiches next day, and we liked it! Served on rye bread, sweet 'n'spicy mustard, and a pickle. The brisket was tender, juicy, and not the pull-apart texture usually found with smoked brisket.
  4. Dejah

    Dinner 2024

    Took @Senior Sea Kayaker 's suggestions and made crab stuffed morels. They were very filling and rich, so we just had tartar sauce and a salad with them. Had some sauteed in butter and mixed in with scrambled eggs for lunch next day. YUM! Busy day digging in the flowerbeds, so a quick supper was needed. Fish Piccata with pickerel
  5. Dejah

    Dinner 2024

    Some meals this week- some quick with flower planting taking most of my attention: Picked up a piece of marinated Sterling Silver sirloin roast. It looked well marbled when I cut it into chunks, but I think all the marbling melted off. Haven't learned my lesson yet to only use beef short ribs for stew. LOL! Made in the IP, and was ok. But I hate shredded meat in stew! Chicken stir fried in black bean garlic sauce with bell peppers that needed using up MaPo Tofu with ground pork and eggplant. Or Spicy tofu, ground pork, eggplant in Toban sauce 😉 We've been getting beautiful asparagus from a nearby Hutterite colony. We've been steaming them mainly. Made my first feed of Morels, dipped in egg and milk, and coated with cracker meal. These were deep-fried and was great! Sauteed some shrimp with Montreal Steak Spice, and cooked up Jasmine rice. Had Mango Chili dip for the morels, but was best eaten nekkid;-) Drizzled Maple Coffee Balsamic on the asparagus. Had company for supper tonight. Citrus Marinated Roast Chicken was on the menu, with mixed veg and roasted baby taters. The juice from the pan was delicious! Dessert was Canadian Cheddar Cheese Apple Crisp with a dollop of vanilla ice cream!
  6. Dejah

    Dinner 2024

    It's a "snow day" here on the Manitoba prairies 😞 Good time to catch up on posts, but more importantly, I need eGulleteer's expertise. I haven't cooked these for ages, mainly just sauteed in butter. What is / are the best way (s) to enjoy this gift I just received from a friend?
  7. Dejah

    Dinner 2024

    Pan grilled strip loin, mushrooms in green peppercorn gravy, loaded perogies made by a friend: bacon, onion, cheese, taters, dill Salted, tucked with fresh thyme, and roasted chicken. Fresh asparagus from a Hutterite colony. Love that they cut just the top 4 - 5 inches. Maybe they keep the rest of the stalk for themselves. $4.00 / lb, and they were amazing!
  8. Dejah

    Dinner 2024

    Trying to get the garden cleaned up, so quick supper with Shake'n'Bake BBQ Chicken. Picked up Halibut tail pieces and a filet = fish 'n' Chips with curry gravy and malt vinegar Saddle of Lamb never disappoints, especially when they are reduced by 50% on Superstores Flashfood app. These specials don't come up often now, but when they do I grab them for the freezer. Lamb rubbed with whole grain Dijon mustard and slow roasted. Got away fromn me temperature-wise, but it was still good, moist and tender. Had expected son for supper but he had other plans. Guess the rest will go into the freezer...
  9. Dejah

    Dinner 2024

    Some comfort food during the last couple of days of rain and grey skies. Chicken & Ginger cooked on top of the rice on stove top. Add a Chinese sausage for extra flavour. Hubby always wants FuYu with chicken! Seared pork tenderloin, then rubbed with whole grain Dijon mustard and finished in the oven. Pan gravy, baked sweet taters and steamed broccoli. Third day of rain, and then we will have sunny skies and +20C! Pan fried Spicy Turkey Sausages, steamed carrots, and Pappardelle Alfredo. One of the gas stations built and operated by our Indigenous people got a truck load of tomatoes on the vine from a major grow-op about an hour from our city. The state-of-the-art facility was built last year and only grows tomatoes. These were given out to the public, free, as "Giving back to the community" for support of the business. The tomato was lovely, and smelled like a tomato! The facility is 30 acres all under glass, and will produce 10 million lbs of tomato on the vine every year. They will transport the produce to western provinces and southern states along our border. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=vermillion+greenhouse+dauphin#fpstate=ive&ip=1&vld=cid:cf3ec4f1,vid:PgPJz27vriM,st:0
  10. Dejah

    Dinner 2024

    Exactly how my wok table is set up at my restaurant.
  11. Dejah

    Dinner 2024

    Had the granddaughters up for the day. They had a grazing tray for the afternoon, then we had medium rare beef tenderloin per their request. They had only Cavendish fries done in the air fryer and a tomato. Adults had the beef, leftover grits and shrimp, and a 3-peppercorn gravy with the beef. This was a $38.00 Sterling Silver tenderloin that I got at Safeway, with a $10.00 off coupon!
  12. Dejah

    Dinner 2024

    I have never made or eaten White Chili, so I ventured! Once I got the "red chili" out of my head, I quite enjoyed this. I added shredded cheese after the pic for hubby, and it melted in nicely. I enjoyed mine with a dollop of sour cream and dill. A friend gave us a bag of frozen large shrimp, so I took the opportunity to make Spicy Shrimp and Cheesy Grits. The shrimp were large and had a lovely "crunch" with the bite. Both the chili and shrimp dishes were quick meals, under an hour if you have the ingredients on hand.
  13. Dejah

    Dinner 2024

    Saw a recipe for homemade Hoisin sauce for ribs. Don't think it was better than using commercial Hoisin sauce. Might just check out the recipe again and see if I can just ramp up the can stuff. Coconut Curry Chicken eaten with fry at home Paratha Had 4 small lamb chops. Not enough for a meal so I trimmed the meat and did a Cumin Lamb stir-fry with lots of fresh mint. Eaten with Basmati rice. Haven't made Gumbo for quite sometime, so too the plunge the other day. The roux took the most time but worth it. Turkey sausage (no andouille to be had around me), chicken and shrimp. Steamed ground pork with Shitaki mushrooms and Chinese sausage. I had picked up a bundle of Ong Choy / Water Spinach. It was SO fresh and I loved it when we had it on our trips to Asia. But I have never been able to cook it properly. It always seems to come out stringy. Would appreciate any suggestions on technique! @liuzhou @liamsaunt and anyone who cooks this lovely vegetable.
  14. Dejah

    Lunch 2024

    Walk down memory lane when we used to travel on a shoestring budget in our Volkswagan Westfalia: Spam, cheese, on English muffin for breakfast. In the past, it was on fresh bread from a local bakery and cheese whiz! I added a slice of tomato and some dill to mine.
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