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Everything posted by mdt

  1. I am in for making them this weekend. If I cannot find mahlab at the store I am going to skip it as it is optional. Too bad we did not pick this recipe earlier as put in an order to Penzeys before I knew about this. Mike
  2. For those of us that are away from our beloved copies of BWJ, what is a ka'kat?
  3. Then if its a hassle for her then why bother selling them at all! If the walk in business is not worth it just turn into a special order place. And if the walk in is to attract new customers for the special order items, then she needs to work on some customer service.
  4. I agree with this as all that I have heard about her bakery has not been too favorable in regards to service or product availability. Although the dessert that I did have at Palena was wonderful! JPW -- right on!
  5. jersey - Thanks for bringing this thread up again. I would probably never have seen it otherwise. Now all I can do is think about cake and what I am going to bake.
  6. binky -- Nice looking challah. You can always try and find a copy of BWJ at your local library. That is what I did while I was waiting for mine to come in the mail. I do not recall any Easter themed desserts in the book, but those chocolate truffle tarts would be killer for dessert!
  7. Everything looks wonderful. It looks like this was a free-for-all weekend. I ended up making the sticky pecan buns (will post pictures later) as I have had my eye on them for a while now.
  8. This sounds good to me too. If someone did do this we should have a camera ready so that we could document the reaction!
  9. Busboy's suggestions sound pretty good. Weeknights are better for me as well and would probably work better for a larger group as well.
  10. Thanks for organizing Jenny. Looking forward to future events.
  11. Hello all, I am Mike and work as a software development consultant, current gig is at the Patent/Trademark Office. Undergrad at UMass and grad at GMU. I have been in the area for about 13 years, but spent my youth moving as my Dad was in the Army. I am here because I enjoy spending time in the kitchen and learning about food and cooking. My recent addiction is bread baking. I am about 6'3" brown hair and wearing a red shirt (almost wore orange today myself) and dark grey pants. See you all tonight!
  12. Ling -- Thanks for the compliment, but I am not a professional baker. Its amazing what a banneton will do! arbuclo -- I use wood bannetons with a good covering of flour before putting the dough inside. You can get them through many internet sites or stores like Sur La Table. They are not cheap, but worth it in my book. Up next? Hmmm, I will have to look at the book, but those chocolate truffle tarts are instantly coming to my mind.
  13. I made two apple/pear galettes yesterday and they were great. Needless to say they are all gone! The crust had a nice flake and crispness to it that mixed very well with the softer fruit inside. These were so easy to make that I will be making these with other fresh friuts all the time. Then there are the endless possibilities for savory fillings. I currently have another batch of the mixed starter going so that I can try the walnut bread. The bread is now down and I have added the picture. Edited: To add the picture of the Walnut Bread.
  14. I am planning on the galettes as I made the dough last night. I think I am going to make 1 apple and 1 pear... Yum!
  15. Thanks for posting this as it sounds great. I think I will try and get there next week!
  16. I use King Arthur flour that I buy at the supermarket or Whole Foods here in VA. I did not think about apple or pear for the gallete, but that does sound good.
  17. ChzHead -- You can certainly use your KA for the croissant dough. I have made them several times and never used a food processor. I have made them by hand and using my mixer. Pick your method and have some fun!
  18. I was wondering about what happens when you extend the chilling time myself. I am fairly new to bread baking and would love to know more. Anyone here have experience that can recommend a good resource? The galette sounds good, but I would rather wait until fresh berries are at the farmer's market before making it. Of course if you are lucky enough to be in an area where you have fresh berries then I wish I was there!
  19. dahome - I enjoyed the bread and will be making it again. Now to just figure out a good schedule so that I can make this without too much hassle. So what are we looking at for this weekend? A dessert type of item? Another bread?
  20. Finished the mixed starter bread this morning with my 4 year old nephew. He shaped the small one by himself and he had fun. As we were shaping I made mention to watch me and copy what I am doing. He said, "I know how to do this. I roll out playdoh all the time!" Had a bit of a problem getting them off the peel, but they smell wonderful.
  21. I like the idea of the mixed starter bread, especially since you get some pizza out of it!
  22. Made the X-Cookies this morning and have been enjoying them all day. Took some to friends and family and they all enjoyed them. They were a bit of work, but worth it in my book. So what is up for next weekend? Bread? Please excuse the paper plate as all my serving platters and plates are light in color and I wanted some contrast. I guess I need to make a trip to the store...
  23. mdt

    Home-made pasta

    Ellen - I freeze my pasta in final 'form' and portioned so that all I have to do is put it into boiling water when I want it. Just remember to use good freezer bags and you should have no problems.
  24. I made the brownies last night and they are wonderful. I did not take any pictures, hopefully I will remember to before they vanish. The X-Cookies will be sometime tomorrow.
  25. Sinclair -- Here is a link to the info you wanted. AC Competition Info...
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