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Everything posted by hillvalley

  1. You beat me to it! Great minds think alike
  2. For lmy picnic lunch on the Mall, with the Capital at one end and the Washington Monument on the other, I had a petite pain spread with nuttella from the individual size servings.
  3. It's not so much that I just disagree as I find myself astonished. Rocco looks like a bloated, paunchy coke freak to me. But perhaps that's just me. I agree. He's completely slimy and gross. Take a shower, get a shave and go back down into the kitchen.
  4. This is wonderful!!!!! Thank you so much for all of the info. The big feast is going to be this Thursday (I think). It honestly has not gotten as much attention as I would have liked, but I am starting to move into full gear. This is what I have planned so far: Vegemite on Carrs Passion Fruit Anzac Biscuits Lamingtons We are going to make the Anzac Biscuits (Especially appropriate given the recent holiday) and Lamingtons. I figure that will make up for the Vegemite Tomorrow I am going to stop by a local shop that has international products to see what else I can find. I would love to bring in some kangaroo, but can't find any. By the way, my kids are walking around saying G'day mate! And for some reason, they have associated the Power Rangers with Australia. I have no idea why, but they think a certain Aussie firefighter (who recently blogged) is the red one!
  5. What Costco? Where??? I would LOVE to get my hands on itty-bitty Nutellas...I'm pretty sure they wll be in my dreams tonight..."must--have---baby-squeezy-nutellas...." I've seen them at Costcos in Virginia and Maryland
  6. hillvalley

    Crab questions

    My mom does the same thing. I think you can get sick from eating the dead ones, especially when you don't know how long it has been dead. But this is just for steaming. In my family we joke that the ones who fight to stay alive taste better
  7. Thank you for all of the suggestions, but unfortunately we have moved on to Australia. Dulce de Leche and fried plantain chips have become regular parts of our classroom diet
  8. Reading this thread has become toture. I am craving oysters. Somebody run over to Old Ebbitt and get the happy hour details!
  9. Maybe you have had better luck with Ashby then I have, but I have found it to be lacking both for brunch and dinner. I have given a couple of chances for both and will probably never go back. A better choice for dinner in this area is Auberge Provencale. I think Ashby benefits from the fact there is not alot of competition out here. Alsop Four and Twenty Blackbirds is wonderful for both brunch and dinner. The ambiance at The Ashby is really nice part. The food is (in my experience) was satisfactory, some courses being below avergae and some being very good. I have only been for brunch, but have enjoyed it both times. The gardens are beautiful setting, especially if you get one of the small tables in the garden. The food is not the best around, but certainly worthy of the trip. The last time I was there they had a beautiful cured salmon. The bloody mary's are also delicious.
  10. I have dreams of those donughts...... I introduced my class to it earlier this year and now we are completely obsessed. The top two favorites are spread on grahm crackers (sometimes we add peanut butter) and on hard pretzles. At Costco they sell Nuttella in individual sized packages in the shape of a Nuttella jar.
  11. Becareful of what you offer. You never know who may take you up on it Those are onions in the oysters. A ton of them.
  12. He said he didnt know what foie gras was in Battle 1, but the funny thing is I watched an episode of his Thirsty Traveler show where he actually COOKED THE DAMNED THING (Ice Wine episode)! So how could it be that he seemed like he's never seen foie gras before? Because not everyone in the world knows what foie gras is. Someone has to play dumb for the rest of the country who aren't food snobs. It's safe to assume that if you don't know what foie gras is, then you didn't see him on another show cooking the stuff The judging is absurd. We could be doing a much better job than they are. Alton sounds desperate at times to fill up the dead air. But I loved this battle. The soup in the uni was brillant. My mouth was watering throughout the whole episode. I wish they showed the final dishes more than once like they do on ICJ.
  13. And now, the much promised photos. I am craving all that is pictured here, plus some jellyfish Never thought I would say that The much loved oyster caserole. You cannot imagine how big the oysters were. A good 3 inches long. It comes out sizzling. Just as you realize the sizzling is coming your way, the scent makes it over to the table. It's all you can do to restrain yourself. Ginger, scallions and oysters. Perfection. Heads on shrimp with hot peppers. Fried, I think and coated with salt. My only complaint was there wasn't much to suck out of the head. Pea leaves sauteed in garlic. Yummmm. The scent's similarity to illegal herbs was noted. Some thought it tasted like spinach, but they're wrong. I have no idea whose brilliant idea it was to order this, but I thank you. I think it was pickled cabbage and pork, but that's just a guess. eunny's soup. Given the cold and grey around here today, I could go for some right now. And last but not least..... Back row: Mr. hannah, busboy, Mrs. busboy, bilrus Middle row: hannah, turtleboy, Mrs. DCMark, DCMarck, Malawry Front row: mdt, Al_Dente, babka, eunny
  14. He's going to be at the Saturday night showing of "Eat This New York" at Visions. There are different chefs for a couple of weekends I think. You got that right No Kermie for me.
  15. No he eats it all. Americans are used to oversized portions. For most people in America, food is not an artform. It's many things, but not art. This child is happy as long as it tastes good. This was also leftovers, so I wouldn't expect it to look great. Finally, keep in mind that what looks appealing to you would put off most people here. The Japanese culture is very different than the American culture. First, we eat much more junk food than you do. Food also does not have the symbolism and meaning here. As a teacher, I would be severely reprimanded if not fired for asking a question such as "How dare you?" My students, for the most part, come from low income families. Putting food on the table requires long hours and low pay. Working two jobs is hard enough. Even if they weren't low income, American families lead a faster paced life than I believe you do in Japan. Just because a parent doesn't provide wonderful lunches does not mean they are not doing a good job. As for the walking to school issue. We in America live in a very different world than you do. Crime is everywhere, whether people like to admitt it or not. Rich children, poor children, inner city and suburb children all live in more danger than children in Japan. And yes, saftey IS more important than excersize.
  16. Is anyone going to hear Jose Andres Saturday night?
  17. If your mother in law isn't into great food don't waste your time at the Ashby. Instead, wait until she offers to take the kids for a weekend and go for brunch with Scott.
  18. Not exactly central DC, but the newish Mayorga coffee house 4-5 blocks from Silver Spring metro meets all the criteria. There's also lots of parking - they might even have a parking lot if I remeber correctly. You beat me to the suggestion. Mayorga has free parking in the rear, internet access, doesn't care if you stay all day and damn good coffee.
  19. If they haven't changed the hours, Old Ebbit is M-Th, and I think 3-7. I emailed them last week about it an haven't heard back.
  20. W-Wh-Wha- WHAT??? A day or two???? We've all been following the set-up for this fabulous dinner including the legendary Oyster Casserole, we've all wished we could be there, we've just found out you guys had jellyfish on the table, now we have to WAIT?!?! Sigh! HV! Imagine yourself on the line after a brutal Friday night and a flustered hostess has just seated a four-top a half-minute before closing... y'can't back down! Fire aps! Set salads! PULL TOGETHER FOR THE TEEEEEAM!!! WeWantPix! WeWantPix!! WeWantPix!!! PS: Request Void If Hangover Prohibits Posting... in which case, hell, take the weekend off! They're coming, they're coming. This damn job thing just gets in the way. eunny, boil up some ramen and throw it into the soup. Or I can come by and relieve you of it.
  21. Heather, you were missed and I wish I could tell you you missed a horrible evening. Jenny, given that frog, pig skin, head on shrimp, jelly fish, clams. oysters and congee were devoured this evening, it's probably good you skipped out. But we still missed ya! By the way, Busboy's wife does indeed exist Dinner was delicious. And not just because I got there in time for some much needed mango vodka at Matchbox. Details will follow as well as pics, but not for a day or two. Thanks to everyone for a wonderful evening. I can't imagine a better group of people to eat oyster casserole with.
  22. I offered a few days ago but didn't get any response, so we will go without. I'll see you all in a few hours.
  23. You are a cruel, cruel man. There is drool all over my keyboard.
  24. Thanks, Busboy. You're sweet, but I'm going to stick to the script for tonight. Peer pressure, peer pressure. i can't believe we are scaring you away
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