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Everything posted by Mabelline

  1. Mabelline

    Fried Chicken

    We had five mama cows decide that they were tired of being pregnant. Since it was the full moon, we were kind of prepared. They just needed to be tended to, and separated from the others. We got one set of twins, too. But it was a real windy 28 degrees, and so I couldn't get out in the excitement. Oh, yeah, I forgot, too; I try to always soak the chicken pieces at least overnight. If not,you can start early in the morning for supper that evening.
  2. Mabelline

    Fried Chicken

    Hathor, I did make my chicken the other day, and boy we scarfed! We even ended up with an impromptu picnic, because we had to go out and help our herdsman with some babies. I didn't get to get outside, so I sat in the pickup eating chicken and potato salad...life is tough like that sometimes...Once you try the chicken that way, I think you will like it. I use Crisco, if that makes any difference to you, with some bacon grease added for flavor.
  3. With self-opening clams!!
  4. Mabelline


    I wrote down that quote by N. Krushchev to use on one the spam-slammin' threads once, but got scared to use it. But considering his hatred for things American, it was remarkable, to say the least: "We had lost our most fertile, food-bearing land--the Ukraine and the Northern Caucasians. Without SPAM, we wouldn't have been able to feed our army." Nikita Krushchev (1894-1971).
  5. Cream of Mushroom Soup.I read too much of the soup thread. PS: Please tell your unc I wished they'd go on tv again.
  6. I do remember seeing it; it had a cheesy picture of a 'Chinese' boat on a Venice-like setting. I never got up the nerve required to try it.I wonder if that's the only picture on a Campbell's can?
  7. WOW, Chris, what a cool website! I am really in awe of your talent. Are you also fulltime at your other detective work? The spider and the fly thing were excellent.
  8. I came home one night drunk and ate homemade corn tortilla chips with Campbell's cheddar cheese soup and some picante made by my White River Apache son-in-law that was so hot your eyes watered walkin' past it. Does that count?
  9. I totally agree with GG Mora, Progresso is a pale imitation of the first soups they offered. They used to be a family-owned company out of Louisiana, when I first bought their soups at Piggly-Wiggly and Winn-Dixie, late 70's,early 80's. Then they sold out to Carnation or Campbell's or someone, and it's never been the same. My SIL from Hell fed us some 99% Fat-Free Progresso lentil once, and SO & I looked at each other and busted out giggling, it was sooo bad! When sick, I have to vote for Wolfgang Puck's chicken with rice, and momma comfort,count me in on the 'mater soup and velveeta grilled cheese. Another momma comfort is a toasted bread tuna sandwich and chicken rice soup. Actually my mom used Lipton's skinny noodle but this is a canned soup discussion.
  10. Mabelline

    Fried Chicken

    That sure made me glad I bought my chicken and capons I've been waiting on today. Fabulous pictures, Jason! I'm soaking the chicken in buttermilk and crystal hot sauce tonight. Hot dawg
  11. Gordo, I no longer have that one,or the tripas, they were part of my previous life in Texas. But you are in farming country, and you know how they have to replace worn-out disks on equipment. Go to a farm, there's probably a pile of them laying around. You simply fill in the center hole with a patch of steel, 1/8, or 1/4, grind it down smooth, its kind of dish-shaped, so you may want to heat and flatten it. Then you just tack a piece of 1/4 round rod around it. You can bend the 1/4round by hand as long as the disc is secured, after your first weld. It works so good!! As soon as my SO and I get out to our farm, it shall be one of my first projects. Then I shall post, okay? Maybe the whole process, hmm. Think folks would like to see.?
  12. Gordo, I agree about the comal, and you probably won't find this as weird as some folks will, but the best one I've ever owned was a modified disk (from the farm equipment disk) and the edge was rung around with 1/4" rod. It was spectacular. They make a stellar tripas for cooking over a propane burner,too, with a three-legged stand under them.
  13. Yep, me too, especially in a quick-cooked sauce like that. I reckon in 20 years Walmart will govern the world.
  14. Kind of pre-embalming oneself?
  15. Jaymes, you brought up garlic salt, and I gotta say that every tia I ever knew in Arizona, New Mexico, Mexico, and Texas uses it. And I believe it's a big component of that real Mexican Taste that's way different from fresh, especially the colorado you wrote. Don't you?
  16. Okay, then maybe we can keep a running post of names waiting, where they are, and what their druthers are. Then we can have somebody say they'll take, and post once it's been sent. Does that sound better? Is there a chance of a 2" diameter sticker getting made up on a sheet of say, 10, I wonder?
  17. I've had some other thoughts. We oughta get people who are gonna join in to say something, so that it can be noted for youall out there who do the writing-up stuff, and so we get an idea how many names we need. This may take a while, unless the eGers, StInGeR,Beto, Pouncy and anybody else does not come up with enough names, for I read adoptaplatoon.org's procedure, and there may be a wait there.So I reckon they are interconnected, aren't they? (What did I just say?)
  18. This here's a democracy, Queen fifi Should we have a certain day that's good for ever'body to send? Up for suggestions...
  19. Pouncy, you are a veritable blessing ! Thank you so much for that info! And let me say I am glad for you that in only 11 days your man will be back
  20. Or the ass-hauling octopus----FREEDOM!!!!!
  21. I cannot live without vinegars, cilantro, and tomatillos, too!
  22. StInGeR--how do you find them? Come up with some addresses. No offense taken, I admit I'm just bumbling along. Yes, we definitely need combat areas, they are needing some caring.
  23. Okay we got the troops over here---WHO wants to be the general??? Somebody (MM) who has an organizational mind, that can tell us what TF we're doing , and how we ought to co-ordinate. Once we are semi-kinda organized, I figure we'll get enough stuff to inquire into adoptaplatoon.org, which will provide us with others. I reckon to be do-able we will each send ours individually, but how about a day we all send packages at the same time? And how about some eGullet decal stickers we can buy to stick on our packages so that they'll recognize our packages??!! Edit to add; okay, we have eGullet stickers in the store. And we can always figure up a note to add in each box. Also edit .org not .com
  24. There is this all-purpose salve called buttpaste that I was thinking of sending. I also went to a couple places and came across presweetened dry drinks,CDs,Puzzlebooks,disposable cameras, and foot powder.
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