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Everything posted by Mabelline

  1. Shit, when I get a brain, I'm gonna be dangerous... Jeff Givens 335th TSC Camp Doha, Kuwait APO AE 09889 Chris, also got you on the local newspaper.Oh boy, someone to appreciate the Billings Gazette! That may be a first (actually it does help to see ads and whatall of places you know, when you are in Hell).
  2. I've been speaking with Beto, and although he's far too modest, I've gotten a short list of things he was wanting to make a Chicken mole: Cumin Abuelita Chocolate Dried Ancho Chiles Dried Cascabel Chiles And he said there's such a shortage of HAM products there that he'd like some GOYA JAMON cubes. As per my Mexican shopping thread, I am now adding those on my list, and taking out some frivolities. But, however, I have asked if the mail permits those canned small hams, or SPAM, and I am quite sure I can remember how to sweat a seal off a wine vinegar bottle and reseal it, don't youall? I've also asked Beto for his cousin's address in the field. Fist, I gotcha on the babywipes and pipe cleaners.Dry candies too.
  3. That would have been worth watching...
  4. SO is also a bean with bacon devotee, and we keep a stock of it for when he's feeling puny, or chilled after hours of water,smoke, and below zero.
  5. Castor Oil. Cod liver oil. An enema. I'd be trying anything within the boundaries of interferring with the medical restrictions.
  6. The minis are always like that. But because of rich folks' penchant for buying rare stuff no one else has got, these folks probably have a lien-free farm. Ah well. Pot bellied pigs were in the 5000-10000 $ range when they first got BIG.
  7. Is it just me, or would anyone else like to slap that silly bitch feeding a very classy dinner on paper plates so her sink doesn't get mussed? AAArgh...
  8. suzilightning, there is a another book, related, but in a different vein, that I'm waiting to read-- "High Calling: The Courageous Life and Faith of Space Shuttle Columbia Commander Rick Husband" by Evelyn Husband andDonna VanLiere. Have you heard of it? It was only released Jan. 13.
  9. Hi, 42feed, and welcome. Do you like Douglas Adams? And have you read the other books like Salt? Cod, or one by a different author, Caviar? Sorry about the lack of proper literary protocol; I am tired this morning and /or lazy.
  10. Anytime that we speak about hograisers,cattle r..s, goat, sheep, fowl, etc., I presume that we are not discussing factory producers, although some feedlots are single family owned (and much smaller than places like McElhaney's, which raises in excess of 250,000 a year). If you want to find out as much as possible about an animal, you must or need to start at the Breed Raisers Associations. These are the folks who do the slog work, and truly passionately care about the critters they raise. But you don't know which breed to look up? Okay, go to the animal in question, for example, Hog Breeders Associations. You'll find enough to get a start. If you are interested in suchlike matters, I'm sure you'll be entertained. Now, for the cutest thing I've come across in awhile. These are darling. Go to www.minicattle.com to start your morning with an Aw, gee.
  11. Dunno. It just showed up, so I put down on it what I was reading (see daddy, you are right after all about being about as smart as a cow in a herd).
  12. When we were real little kids, my dad had us convinced the hill cows had two long legs, two short!!
  13. Two great scififan books: Latro In the Mist by Gene Wolfe Last of the Amazons by Steven Pressfield Two great real stuff books: The Soul of the Indian by Charles A. Eastman(1911) Jean-Georges Cooking at Home with a Four-Star Chef, by J.G.V. and Mark Bittman
  14. It's kinda like Marvin the Martian on speed.
  15. Do not know about the flowers, but the peas are a no-go.Ask extension agent. Pansies. Chrysanthemum. Marigold. And I saw on tv a place in New Mexico where a woman put lilies in bottles of vinegar, although the bulbs is nix.
  16. I am wearing, and even have a peacock feather in my tinfoil hat, as we speak. So tonight is my watershed---one more time, and I'm suing somebody for mental distress from the shudders the next day ever' time I think about that crap!!!!GACK!! Oh yeah, my hat's folded into a cool Roman Legionary Dude style. I may switch to a cowboy hat later.
  17. Dear Madeleine: We read your post with interest. We live with Mabelline and our dad, and a funny little rabbit thing. Our names are Sneaker and Smokie, and we would like to do a lunch some day. Smokie is a very handsome gray guy who looks like a mountain lion, and I am an orange Angora- Norwegian with a lot of hair. Smokie dates a lot, but I was destined for the church. I do not think of the ladies. We just thought we would say hi,and then go back to watching Viking Kitties! Have a purrrrfect day, Madeleine!!!
  18. Just so we know what stage you're at gal, you gotta update us with a breakup food report...then we can prescribe the appropriate dose of totally worthless comfort calories. I tried the vodka diet (I am a Scotch drinker) and when I walked to the townhouse vending machine at 3 am to buy sunkist orange soda (Where's the GACK emoticon) I had my epiphany. That's when I shifted gears.
  19. I am thinking mine has got to be that new blood med. they switched me to. Lastnight I did it again... about 11 pm, got up, opened a package of dates, stuffed them with cream cheese, and jalapeno slices. Then, 3 hours later, got up, made a bowl of Rice Chex (I never indulge in milk--it's a Nat/Am. thing about lactose, I guess) and topped it with friggin' butterscotch morsels--and I do not normally eat sweets!! I'll trade you cravings, suzilightening--please!!
  20. I tried the Ginger Altoids, and please don't laugh, tthey made me sneeze. Repeatedly. Forcefully. Which might have been doable, except I was in ICU. Set my telemetry off. Nurses kept coming in to see what's up. My Costco has started a very tricky little thing lately. After you have walked through glomming all the samples,the last sample on your way to checkout is a table with Altoids! And a big stack of Altoids multipacks... I wish they would make pepsin or clove flavors.
  21. Butchering a hog is probably three or more times the effort of dressing venison. It is strength and labor intensive. If you go to the library in the animal management section you should easily find a butchering book. You need quite a bit more equipment. But for all that, you will probably enjoy your pork and ham a lot more for the labor. Make sure you get yourself a good USDA chart to illustrate the proper cuts, though, because poorly cut, the meat will only be good slowcooked. Take pictures for us.
  22. Ah,jeez, I nearly fell out of the chair laughing, redfox!
  23. Ah, glad to hear that once again, it's not my meds misfiring on a few cylinders. I was wondering. But the Viking Kittens, now, they are good.
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