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Everything posted by Mabelline

  1. So how come the boxes at the top are not advertising magic wands?
  2. An old-fashioned kitchen sort of like the old days. Big ole walk-in pantry with all the tables and sinks and freezers we had when I was a kid. A massive kitchen with a long table and benches, a hoosier cabinet with enamelware pullout. An outside cooking room for hot weather, all screened in under some monster shade trees, for the hot summer work. Please eG Kitchen fairy, may I?Oh, and can't forget the furnace register where you warmed up the little babies born when it was too cold (animal babies, I'd better add.)
  3. Lucybelle was always such a good sport. Whenever kids were around, I'd ask them did they think Lucybelle could do impressions? When they said "No,", I'd have her lay on her back, stretch her ears straight above her head, and pull her her lips back from her teeth, then say "There, Lucy thinks she's the Easter Bunny!" Kids loved it...
  4. As far as my plate licking, I was brought up right. Scrub it up with your finger, then lick your finger. Actually, my mom would've had a stroke from that--you had to have a piece of bread. But I have been known to use the doggie dishwasher method when SO is on duty, and I'm home alone. SO YES.
  5. Such beautiful veal! That's very intriguing with that cut. Ellen, the book will be awesome but we eGers will know what the general public will be missing! FG, how many sides of beef do they process in a day? Overall, that is.
  6. Jet Lag, thanks for the hint. That's funny because I was talking it over with my dear FIL (73 & a genuine Hoot) and he was suggesting Wondra to mix with my corn flour. I bet that'd work if I whizzed Hell out of the corn flour, and then mixed in some Wondra. Thanks for that flour tip back yonder, too. FIL also said he likes soaking catfish in milk & Tabasco, like chicken. I'm going to try it.
  7. I've two things to tell youall about that are fabulous! www.burpee.com/features/bigmamas.htl has those enormous roma that the old fellers call "sheep's cods"! Those grew so spectacularly that I despaired of ever finding them. They are a new introduction to Burpees, I believe. Now, one of the greatest plant catalogues I've ever gotten is from www.mountainvalleygrowers.com. This catalogue rocks. They are in Squaw Valley, CA, and they have plants we talk all the time about on in the Med. cooking threads, for instance. Angelica,Vanilla grass (which dogs love like cats to catnip)Greek Bay,22 different lavenders,Syrian and Greek Oreganos,Patchouli,Fo Ti, Vietnamese Cilantro,Clary Sage,betony,Moroccan mint,Egyptian mint.... I'm am now in severe soil withdrawal till we are situated. You lucky, lucky Garden Gulleters! They even had cardomom plants! Happy gardens, my friends!!
  8. Carlovski- Is Andrews Liver Salts the same thing as sal hepatica? That's pretty odd to be using in the mouthwash, unless he truly is wanting it to be reminiscent of something you gargle and spit out.
  9. Thanks, you two. That's fascinating. I never could understand all the old timey pictures of little boys looking like little girls. But that certainly makes sense. I will have to read more about this. I've already got two Jewish cooking books lined up to check out tomorrow.
  10. Charred rare, just past the point of fixing it back up with a needle, thread, and some Lysol. And yes Katherine, your Seitan indeed kicks his steak's ass. I don't find any point of the cottage pie on a mirror. Do they bring a silver straw? Gack..Double gack...
  11. Mabelline

    Hideous Recipes

    snowangel, don't you just love those names? I'd give 50 bucks for a picture of any cowboy I know eating one of those. OOH...didn't you forget sweet relish or something from your bad shit people make post?
  12. Stupid people question #(forget it, the no.s are getting too high): Who is the source of the evil eye? I mean, like is it people, or divine? Cause it seems if it's divine in origin, using a misspelled name won't do a whole lotta good. And if it's from people, what are they doing ? Just sitting around waiting to find folks to "eye" on?
  13. The other movie I was thinking of had that Richard feller who was Helen Hunt's husband on Mad About You as a Jewish man who was leading these settlers who had gotten fed up with the Wild West, and were doing the wagon train--reverse. It's hilarious, and the lady who turned me on to it was 82! The "injun" scenes in that are also quite hilarious. Tried to rent "Blazing Saddles"--no one had it--just found it at the library online. That's great to be able to visit. I will definitely do that.
  14. Katherine--that was great! Now I'm going to have to see if the little sprouts at the library will let me read it! I just always thought they could of come up with a different word!!! Are non-Jewish folks allowed to attend a service? Do I need to call the Temple here in town and speak to someone? It's only three blocks away, and I have found myself overwhelmingly curious about it. Any suggestions?
  15. Mabelline


    I have a veal leg roast recipe that is stuffed with anchovies and veal kidneys, then rolled and tied. It's slow roasted and when it's done the stuffings have just melted into the roast. We both love it. It's Austrian, I believe. Love those little salty guys.
  16. Pan, you 've mentioned Worms a couple of times now, so I have got to tell you that in one of my History of World Civilization classes, everytime I read about the Diet of Worms, it would start one of those giggling fits that just get worse the more you try to stop. So everytime I saw that Worms, that was the only thing I could think of.
  17. Welcome to eGullet,evilcartman.Hope you enjoy this site. Since this is a favorite chicken recipe site with a bunch of New Yorkers, let me ask this: Are any of you familiar with a live chicken poultry market that youall have? I've never heard it mentioned, but I saw it on that Cookin' in Brooklyn food show on tv today. You picked your live chicken, they liveweighed, took it to the back, and brought you back out a package of how you preferred it. If I lived there, I'd sure be using their services. Anyone?
  18. Mabelline

    dried apricots

    Use them in a tagine, or if not some sort of a chicken dish, perhaps?
  19. Tortilla flats, Az. Now if we could only find some beans.
  20. Custard apple, lychees, jujubes, uglis, and pineapples the way they are sold on the streets in Mexico--with a chile salt. YUM...
  21. Nope. Tilt the bottle up, stop it with your tongue, peanuts will dribble down into neck, and with practice you will not choke yourself. As a kid, not liking any colas, I drank them in ginger ale or the oldtimey Squirt, which had a taste.
  22. Which will also work on a concrete thread You might be thinking Nogales.
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