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Everything posted by Mabelline

  1. No sooner said than done Beto, and what about your cousin? Is he in Iraq or Afghanistan? Or did I read it wrong...we can surprise the crap out of him!!
  2. But we don't want to know (do we?)
  3. And don't try roasting over a flame to peel; you might end up with a tomato candle!
  4. To me, the bird chile is the tepins, because they have always been wild and birds ate them..but some folks call both bird peppers now. Tom.growers have the cubanelle, corno di toro yellow and the Jamaican Hot Chocolate, like Jason told you about. Thanks, Jason, I'm getting some of their goat peppers,birds, and haven't finished yet.Donk, by the way, if you can afford any pepper plants, the tepin and chiltepin can be kept in pots year round, and they are absolute buggerbears to start. Amazing that birds eat them, pass 'em on, they'll germinate, but you try it, and 9 out of 10 times she won't grow!
  5. Yes, yes, YES to the fatalii!!! They are 'be careful' peppers, but scrumptious. And they're a beautiful wrinkled yellow. Edit to add, I got so excited I couldn't spell!!!
  6. There's an old book about New Mexico cooking by Huntley Dent that had the best plot for diving into Mexican food. On day one, you made tortillas; on day two,frijoles, and tortillas; day three, refritos, tortillas,and salsa; day four,add carne adovado to the others. By the time it was done the plan had you cooking like a tia because you were conversant and comfortable with it all, and not confused anymore.
  7. You should try some thai chiles, like Jason said, cause they are real different. And a Big Jim or NuMex Anaheim style, a Greek or Italian Pepperoncini, and if you can get it, Chiltepins. They are the bomb (literally and figuratively). A good and reputable source is www.tomatogrowers.com. I use them, and their seed is good and fresh. They are in Fort Myers, FL, and so ship all year. And do not worry about using hybrid veges for stuff you do not intend to save seeds from. Heirloom is great, but if you are wanting a particular hybrid, then go for it.
  8. Jaymes, do you know in my whole life I do not ever recall even seeing them(canned tortillas). We have Country Market, IGA, and Albertson's.Walmart has chased most of the others off. Where do you find them?
  9. Thanks Chris! Slapping head repeatedly--the pork ramen--duh! I can use that for filler in the package! Mrs. Dash, yeah..SO will be so proud of me--today is PAYDAY!!! Look out BigLots, Walmart and the Dollar Stores! Major league pillage and plunder on the horizon!! YeeeHaaawwww!!
  10. I want Judy Tanuta (is that her name?) on the panel with Alton,like the little cute girls on IC. You know, the accordion playing goddess.
  11. I'm telling you,Ondine, all of us who've posted physical activity know where of we speak. Start out walking around a set block-type course; as you walk, you can mentally cuss out the a**hole, and you'll find you get going that much quicker. I used to fill 2 bottles with frozen water, swing them like weights as I walked, and keep walking till I was able to drink from them. After only about a week, I found that when I was in the house, I'd figure out how to get out and walk. As soon as you're able, move. There's nothing good in a house full of memories. At the very least, redo stuff where it doesn't look the same. And chin up; there's an afterlife, and it rocks once you take care of yourself. Get that makeover, and save the doctor money for sexy lingerie. Much more therapeutic.
  12. Okay, I got it. No canned pork, ham (but a lot of Goya Jamon cubes), no repackaged stuff, no sneaking alcohol--actually mine was cooking wine in a vinegar bottle-- Now: Lava soap, TP, AA batteries,babywipes,pipe cleaners,instant coffee,tea bags,dry candies...broth cubes, spices,good Mexican canned stuff. For a start.
  13. woodburner--Amen to that. Hannnah--It's just a statement of the shape of the culture, I reckon. This next year I've been thinking of trying some Belgian Blue Sires (semen AI) with my angus mamas. I kind of like those Blues. Duh: Forgot to say, Fossil Rim is this real nice wildlife drivethrough park, with rhinosceros (penned) giraffes, about 15 different kinds of antelopes, impalas, kudus, etc., zebras, cheetahs (also penned) and rare Mexican Red Wolves. The farm stuff is at the visitor center--shop, food concession, lookout, and the petting zoo.
  14. fifi, I sent the question about the chiles, and asked if they could use some masa harina in a plastic container, all sealed up. Damn, wish I would have bought one of those vacuum sealers now. Even if the masa doesn't have a real long life, they might at least get a batch of tortillas out of it.
  15. fifi, I'll send an email, and as soon as I find out, I'll put it up. It seems though that Beto wouldn't request them if he knew they couldn't get them. If they are dried ones, in the packaging, that'll be okay. I'm assuming he meant dried. I guess I'd better find out, hmmm?
  16. StInGeR, do they have any problem getting canned pork products? Is that allowed in Kuwait or Iraq? Beto said that there was a real shortage of it, and then requested the Goya Jamon cubes. But I thought those small canned Danish hams would ship okay. I thought about the spices too, and I'm glad they can use the plastic containers. Will they allow a labelled container that is from bulk spices? The best ones I can buy are in bulk from the health store, and I have containers. All the personal items are not weird. I've been at cow camps where you made do, and anything that made you fresher or more human was worth more than gold (but maybe not more than some good Scotch!).
  17. At Fossil Rim Wildlife Park in Glen Rose Texas, they had a children's petting section up at the observation complex on the rim. One of the critters was a full-grown Brahma mini bull that was about 3 1/2 feet tall. Gray, the indus horns, just a miniature. It was the only miniature I had seen excepting some Herefords, and he was just really cool. Maybe I just like em 'cause they are little enough to go where I want,without too much static.
  18. At Christmastime I wrote about getting a Presto Options 6 qt. combo type crockpot, steamer, and fryer. At first I thought that it might not be real good because it's got a temp. dial just like an electric skillet, it's a nonstick metal pot, and I was sure it wouldn't get as low a temp. as I wanted. Well, I can say that I've used it exclusively several times now, and I love that thing. It's light,easy to clean, has that electric breakaway plug, and it consistently will simmer stuff slow enough that I am now a believer. It may not be everyone's choice, but I'm happy.
  19. StInGeR: You mean you aren't writing yet? Go for it ! And thank you in advance.
  20. fifi, I'm probably wrong but I reckon they're for getting miles and miles of miles and miles of sand outta the stuff it ought not be in. Postcards! Every store in this town's got real pretty postcards. Some cool paperbacks.
  21. Marlena when you awaken, I'd like to ask you about the average prices of small, medium, large Jamons; anyway that you could illustrate the value. I understand that it is a 'surgically-thin sliced ham',but I've got no concept of the value of it over there. Youall seen any Bassets yet? Sneaker and Smokie have been on the phone with Madeleine.
  22. Try some anchos. There's a lot of varieties of them, but ancho ranchero hybrid is a good one for stuffing. Medusa is cool. It's bushy, with those skinny hot little devils sticking straight up. It is very decorative, but edible, flavorful, but not extra hot (unusual for a skinny pepper). Kung Pao--yipes--good. And I am serious here, the peter pepper is an excellent tasting pepper, and makes good pepper vinegar for greens. My seeds came from a little old lady in Milsap, Texas, who was in her 80's and gardened!
  23. At least reading the article, I now have one answer to my friends who raised the kosher turkeys and may be losing their business because they weren't able to get enough baby turkeys. Maybe this year they will. France has been buying up abt. 800,000 a year.
  24. Marlena, that sounds like just a divine way to spend the day. Were the preserved oranges a sweet, as I'm figuring (preserves aren't usually sour are they?). Sounds so friendly and just plain nice!! Way to go girl!
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