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Everything posted by Mabelline

  1. Okay, Chris, I'll bite. I figured it for something that shoots.
  2. I'll definitely add affirmative to flavorsome recipes. We crash on people so much sometimes that I wonder if JC had not been the founding goddess of the genre, and starting out now, how would she be received? Or is that sacreligious to say, or spew such heresy?
  3. Can we have one that's a big old screw at an angle through something Atkins like one of those international don't do it signs?
  4. GR, that's got to be better than the earworm from Sandra Lee: I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world....gah...somebody ship me some earwigs and I'll attempt Night Gallery surgery! Edit for dumbosity
  5. Pickles, you're watching her right now, aren't you? I am and the this is gonna be so good thing gets me a little too. Kinda like Rachel Ray behind a real quality downer?
  6. We could also do one for shits and giggles where the show is actually done in English, but dub it in Japanese. Then you can still sit around and guess what's up, but Japanese viewers could watch also.
  7. Mabelline

    Preserved Lemons

    They are very sly little fruit, bleachboy. Once you start using them, you'll start thinking maybe a little will work in this, or that, and it nearly always does. I put some into green chile pork tonight, and it was really good, and accentuated the tomatillos in the verde. fifi, I want some of those calamondin sooo bad! And that's just like citrus. Baby one along, hiccup around it one day, and it goes toes up. Leave one be, it'll produce like the furies.
  8. Nick, I started the big eGTV Network this morning. Go to that thread. We are getting some good programming.
  9. Sophia Loren's You Want Sexy Food? Tina Turner's How To Eat Yourself Gorgeous by 70 (you kick ass, lady) George Clinton's How To Stay Alive With My Lifestyle Eric Clapton's Real Cream
  10. The Mysterious Jinmyo Hour. I just read your bread entry and previous descriptions convince me you are a perfect prospect.
  11. MHesse, I love your posts so I can check out those wonderful catseyes.
  12. God, I'm getting muddled. I put my Costco report on the roasted cauliflower thread last night. The Costco Disneyland Tour yielded up 2 beautious beef and 2 similarly winsome pork roasts. But there was no cauliflower! None at our local Albertson's, and if you read Jinmyo's newest thread, I now know why! But anyway, back to the Costco-A-Go-Go; what's gonna be our boundaries? I did at least scope out many things so I'd be prepped.Lead on, oh leaders.
  13. The bigger expanded Cook's Tour, where Anthony may run it however he wants, because we already know it's great. Some of the excellent Canadian, Brit, and any other shows we can't see.
  14. Fishing anywhere, at anytime, for anything. I'm far more familiar with southern fish and fishing, but this year SO and I will be doing much more. Last summer he was too busy with fire duty for us to go. We're only about a mile north of the Yellowstone River here, but the place we're buying is only a few miles from a small lake. My SO's cousins run a boat ramp at Holter Lake, at a location outside Yellowstone Park called Gates of the Mountains. I have been known to fish with no hook on the line if I am comfortable enough and the gar were around.
  15. edsel, that's the weird thing about it-- I don't do anything to them beside letting them dry, then poking them down a scant 1/2 inch in a pot with an established plant and then forget about them. Water the plant as usual, and sooner or later you'll look someday when you're watering and oops, there are baby trees. I use so many lemons that I had to cut it out because there's too many to take care of in the apartment. The oldest ones are 4 1/2 feet tall now. But now I feel bad throwing away all those babies (seeds). My haas avocado took a year to germinate.
  16. OH YEAH...all things bread...I can't even think of any I don't like. Even wonder bread's got a place and time. I would not consider going fishing without a whole loaf of pickle/pimento loaf made up and put back in the bag, along with 4 pimento cheese sammies in there.
  17. Has anyone else been watching the Medici show on PBS? I'm loving it. And yep, I know it's getting knocked, but if you go to pbs.org you can take a test to see which Medici you would have been. Haven't done it yet. Sorry,you guys.It fit with the topic.
  18. Ditto on the klinksmoke. With contributing guest host uncle ted for the game shows (see, Tommy, I got him in there) And for everyshow, one OeG'er (Original eGer) wins an all expense paid trip to chow. Varmints Vittles. Mayhaw Man's Luzianne
  19. Here's one suggestion to start some thinkers going. A group of separate series on ethnic cooking. Not like Bobby Flay goes to a Pueblo and eats one dish, but each ethnicity having a series, with an in depth look at a cuisine. Native American with different tribes, Susira's Himalayan,Australian. 10 EPISODE SERIES BY eBulliman (then I'll know what youall are so passionate about at least, because I've never seen anything he was on, and I damn sure can't afford his book, but I'm dying to see it to experience it.)
  20. Oh, my yes, at least in our apartment. I have at present 14 lemons of differing sizes and ages, all started from seeds I put into the soil in my plants. And three avacadoes, including one haas from seed , which sprouted true, as it is enormous.
  21. That's what Billionaires are for. We need a bunch of good food programs, though. I feel confident everyone on this site has thought of someone they like to have with a show. After all, virtual reality is only one word different from reality. Visualize whirled peas!! Jason, you , FG, and several others are on the board already.
  22. There are no paid program hours. No dead spots on days not a damn thing is on anywhere else. There are no commercials. The first one who mentions someone detested by the majority cleans the break room for a week (oh, yeah, it could get ugly). So go for it!!!
  23. That's just too funny Prob'ly reamed the poor maid when she came back with them, too! Now she could be a poster child for a few dimes short of a dollar!
  24. This is convincing me that perhaps we need to run the eG Virtual Reality Network and thread it up with our fantasy food shows. Maybe we'll get lucky and Bill Gates will buy it for us? Hey, stranger things have happened.
  25. I'm going to try fifi's coconut chicken recipe with a capon that should be ready next week. The recipe sounds too good! Thanks, Larry. I kind of deduced that it might be that--but it sounded so cute I thought it might be some cooking utensil I didn't have yet.
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