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Posts posted by Mabelline

  1. I want to apologize for any rudeness implied by my post; I am certainly the last person to tailgate someone's opinion. But to me this is a touchy subject not because of a thin skin as much as the overwhelming amount of articles about the abysmal quality, lack of love and skill, and overall wasteland of fine dining in America.

    It seems as if there's a stable of chefs who are just waiting to make sweeping statements about American Dining. There are quite a few more we never hear from doing superb jobs.

    That stupid Gourmet cover will haunt us for a decade at least.

    vserna, you probably could've written a better, more factual article. Here's a real twist: 10 Things A Visitor Likes About The Food In the States. ?

  2. Whenever I've made something that comes out inexplicably bland, I'll slip in a drop or two of Colgin Liquid Smoke. I have these little teeny bottles of pecan, hickory, and mesquite. Maggi works too. Or Kitchen Bouquet. They've saved many a dish; you just need to be real judicious with them.

  3. I did my own version of snorting a couple of weeks ago. I was in the middle of grinding up two different spice mixes for a vegetable curry, and a venison dish done in a Moghul style. For some insane stupid reason, I thought I had my eyeglasses on (no excuse), so I proceeded to blow into the grinder to get the last of the spice dust out. Yep...it had among the other ingredients,1 t. dried arbols in it. DH came into the kitchen while I was putting ice cubes on my eyes, and came to my rescue with some industrial eyewash. I will not be so lazy next time, that's for sure.

  4. Now that sounds like a really tasty soup! We both love celeriac, and I've always got both pears and grapes on hand for the rabbit. I can just see it now, steal...oops, borrowing fruit from the rabbit to make soup with. It may be a longer winter than I'd figured for.

  5. Not any one in particular, fifi, I am thinking that the side goodies would work as a flavor additive to whatever I use as my starchy ingredient. I'm going to check out my beans, I have some of the palomino ones that cook up real tender. Start them with stock, maybe, then as they soften, add in the liquid and onions from the paprika chicken, I have some nice green chiles I think I'll roast with the chicken. And I have to have some nice brown roasted potatoes in a sopa seca--I know this is not exactly Atkins' type food, but we are mostly over that, aren't we?And SO is very happy to see potatoes in any shape or form when it's cold. I'll run over to mamasita's and get some fresh corn tortillas while I'm at it. Whooee! I love experimenting!

  6. Boy, have I hit on heaven! Great thread, especially here right now, it's 15* degrees and snowing. I've been doing a braised meat with vegetables, then making a soup with it the next day or so. On New Year's Day, we had beef and barley because it's SO's favorite,and I had a big beautiful 7-bone roast, and an extra batch of roasted carrots, onions, and potatoes.

    Two days ago I made a "by guess and by golly" cream of potato with extra onions, grilled slices of bratwurst, and an entire head of garlic.

    I had some beautiful ham hocks that I used totally differently yesterday. Instead of beans or greens, I boiled the meat down, then used the meat and stock as a base for garbanzos, bottled pimentos, onion slices, and coarsely chopped cabbage. Cooked it down at a simmer, then served it over some basmati rice. It was a keeper.

    I am thawing out some chicken quarters for tomorrow.But I need to make a vegetable run in the morning. Now I have all night to drive myself nuts with what to make from the chicken. There are some brilliant ideas here. I'm kicking around the idea of making paprika chicken ala fifi et al for a start, then using that for a base for a Mexican sopa seca. Hmmm.

    Knock on wood that no one else gets sick or snowed in. This has certainly been the year of wild weather. It's not very often that Montana's snowstorms come from California :rolleyes:

  7. Here's to a new year of true appreciation and enjoyment of the sustaining things in our lives. May your beverages cheer you, your 'groceries' comfort you, your chosen lifepath make you glad that it's what you do, and your friends make you feel you are the luckiest person in the world for having them.

    Best wishes for everyone who's deciding to change their careers. The world needs many more people who are content.

  8. ...sigh...I am just SO concerned that someone from across the Atlantic once again thinks we are louts who can neither cook nor eat well. I have a reprint of "The Compleat American Housewife" where an entire chapter is devoted to sticking up for American style cooking and dishes, circa 1776.

    It is just like Jaymes said in regards to Route 66, the most memorable 'joints' along there were exactly that and nothing more...and most times made memorable by the style of building, or the 'hook' such as the 72 oz. steak.

    What really torques me a lot of times is some of Ms. Water's comments. We have been eating slow-cooked, homegrown, and healthy a long time before she decided to convert California and the rest of us poor unfortunates. Thanks for the vote of confidence, ma'am.

  9. Oh, my god...Big Lots had a big ole section of quesadilla makers, salsa mixers, and some kind of margarita makers, all of which had the ubiquitous chile pepper design all over them. I looked them over and thought to myself at the time, why would someone buy this stuff when you've got the makings at home?

  10. Last year my dear little olelandlady gave me two superb Lewis and Clark cookbooks. But this year has been fairly hard on her; however, I was still surprised to get a Publisher's Clearing House Set of very obnoxious and useless knives, including some weird thing with what looks like wings on either side of a knife that closely resembles one that is sold as a martial arts throwing device. I still haven't figured it out. It can be detached from the wingy things, but I reckon it is supposed to help you cut things uniformly.

    I will now be keeping a much closer eye on her.

  11. Now there's an idea...a Classic FNW channel kind of like VH1CR. An assortment of all the old shows that are presumed, by the powers that be, not viewer-worthy anymore. I'll watch. I watch CR, as well.

    Then they can bring back all the oldies we love so well. And we can quit griping at their crap programming, and have something to watch.

  12. OK, the FNW used to show us good s***. It came from everywhere. There was Padha Laskmi, all the Latinos and caribes, the diverse cultures, the explanations of where the pitiful American traditions came from.

    So what is there now? A commercial asking if YOU, a totally unschooled idiot out in FNW land, is the next food PHENOM--read bucks? I rest my case. I no longer take the Food Network seriously. PHEAUH!!

  13. OK, the FNW used to show us good s***. It came from everywhere. There was Padha Laskmi, all the Latinos and caribes, the diverse cultures, the explanations of where the pitiful American traditions came from.

    So what is there now? A commercial asking if YOU, a totally unschooled idiot out in FNW land, is the next food PHENOM--read bucks? I rest my case. I no longer take the Food Network seriously. PHEAUH!!

  14. Oh dear, I am stunned, and I am so in love with Indian cuisine...Monica, you are a paragon of showing us with such precision what we lack here. Although there are plenty of lower economic classes that make do in inventive ways, the typical visitor to our country is never exposed to them. I wish more people could see what a parallel there exists, rather than differences...

    I am so envious of some of those dishes, especially the mustard fish. You have just got to have the cutest little cousin--many good wishes to her!

    Madhur would be very, VERY proud of you! :wub::wub:

  15. Chris, what about any community kitchens that youall can rent or just reserve to use? I know folks who have started food product companies in community kitchens. They are always up to code, and in your area, I would not be at all surprised at any with canning facilities, as well. I'll bet San Diego has one (at least). Have an old tia or abuela doing the tamale thing for one. EVERYBODY in the world lately wants to know about the original steps they are cutting out, and how good their own subs would be.Have a youngin' make some for the wise one to try. Cheap. Everybody will watch. Get your cinematographers from UCLA or USC film school. For nothing. With very good equipment; and very cutting edge ideas. Happy New Year, sunshine!!

  16. We also make fuel out of corn in the U.S., as well. But for food-oriented food products, I make a corn relish every year at Christmastime for which I've found good quality frozen corn to make just as acceptable an end product as fresh, and a lot less hassle than cutting off the fresh kernels.

    Although Mexican in origin, corn tortillas are used a lot here, as well as grits or polenta, tamale ingredient, and snack foods like Fritos and Doritos.

    One last thing. Kris, I showed dear husband your picture of the grilled corn, and he's now assuring me that this year we'll harvest corn with that beautifully convenient stalk-holder. How easy and excellent is that?

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