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Advice from Restaurant Industry People Needed

Skinny Guy

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Hello All!

Well I'm not even sure if I'm posting in the right place for starters. :huh:

I need some advice from folks working in the biz in the NYC metro area. I last worked there in 1993, and have lived the last ten years in Russia doing just about everything you can do in the restaurant business here, from project management to financial reporting to marketing to ownership structuring. I'm planning on moving back to NYC in August.


Are there any restaurant/hospitality search firms/headhunters you would recommend/NOT recommend?

Ditto for restaurant consultancy and planning firms?

How would you describe the supply/demand balance of qualified industry managers in the metro area?

Any Do's or Don'ts that have helped you get good jobs?

Thanks in advance for your answers and advice! :biggrin:

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Skinny Guy -- Welcome back to NYC! What were you doing prior to 93, and what do you want to do in the future? Were you with a firm for the past ten years, or a corporation? Hotel, chain restaurant, privately held? More info will help us give you some direction. (Your alma mater should have alumni placement services to at least give you a push in the right direction.)

Hello All!

Well I'm not even sure if I'm posting in the right place for starters. :huh:

I need some advice from folks working in the biz in the NYC metro area. I last worked there in 1993, and have lived the last ten years in Russia doing just about everything you can do in the restaurant business here, from project management to financial reporting to marketing to ownership structuring. I'm planning on moving back to NYC in August.


Are there any restaurant/hospitality search firms/headhunters you would recommend/NOT recommend?

Ditto for restaurant consultancy and planning firms?

How would you describe the supply/demand balance of qualified industry managers in the metro area?

Any Do's or Don'ts that have helped you get good jobs?

Thanks in advance for your answers and advice!  :biggrin:

"Oh, tuna. Tuna, tuna, tuna." -Andy Bernard, The Office
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I'm not in the biz so this may be completely useless, but the Russion community in Brighton Beach seems large enough, and to have enough restauranteurs, that you may be able to network into that based on your experience back in Moscow. Somebody's brother-in-law or something.

Just a thought.

I'm on the pavement

Thinking about the government.

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Thanks for the quick replies! I came out of Columbia U in '91 and worked as an overqualified bartender til I went to grad school in '93. I worked for a small restaurant group in Moscow for a year (96-97), then worked independently from then on in and project managed and managed several privately held restaurant/clubs including my own. I'd love to continue as a project manager/consultant but without a NY track record I wouldn't sneeze at a solid restaurant management gig.

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I would look into the Union Square Hospitality Group. Danny Meyer has it all figured out and there are positions in his company that run the entire gauntlet of the restaurant industry.

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For that matter, I'd look into any of the multi-restaurant operations.

Some you may prefer to work for over others, but all are likely to have a larger range of available positions that might suit you than one unit restaurants.

Union Square Hospitality, Daniel Boulud's group, Tom Colicchio's group, Myriad Group, Stephen McNally?? (Pastis, Balthazar, etc.), etc.

Herb aka "herbacidal"

Tom is not my friend.

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