3 hours ago, ElsieD said:
I found both of your recommended ones on the website of an Asian store. I could not see the entire ingredient list. Is it enough that a bottle says Chinkiang or Zhenjiang or should I also make sure that the ingredient list is the same as your list?
Zhenjiang or (Chinkiang)* is enough. It has to be the same as my ingredient list to be legally called Zhenjiang.
The Shanxi* version may include different grains other than rice, including wheat, sorgum etc. It is preferred for dips.
Both these vinegars come at various ages, usually 3 or 6 years. Of course, the older the better.
*Zhenjiang (镇江 or 鎮江 - zhèn jiāng) is the city in eastern China where the vinegar is produced. 'Chinkiang' is the old transliteration, now really only used in America.
* Shanxi (山西 - shān xī) is the province in northern China which produces this vinegar.