@TdeV I found this article and it is the standard that I have always tried to go by.
"you may safely use either white or cider vinegar as long as it is labeled as 5% acidity. Sometimes it is labeled as 50 grain."
I have to be very careful about the vinegars that I buy here because so many of them are synthetic vinegar and they don't come up to this standard.
@liuzhou I was curious to see that you say that you use rice wine vinegar. The vinegars that I get here just say rice vinegar. I have even been corrected by some 'cooking aficionados' when I said I used rice wine vinegar and been told that there is no such thing. Is there a difference in the taste between rice wine vinegar and rice vinegar? Is it milder?
These are the two that I have on hand. I know that the one on the right is Japanese but the one on the left is much more acidic, much sharper.