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Eggs, how I love thee


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While perusing my copy of Keller's Bouchon, I came upon his section "The Importance of the Egg:"

The egg spans the entire meal: It can appear at any stage from beginning to end, from appetizer to main course to dessert. The egg's versatility, combined with its low cost, east availability and great nutrition, makes it a chief player in a bistro kitchen.

Way back in 8th grade, I took my first and only Home-Ec class. When it came time for the cooking section, our teacher wisely focused on teaching us all about eggs. We learned to poach, boil and scramble (add water in lieu of milk for a more tender scramble). We made fabulous puffy omelettes that I love to this day. And miracle of miracles, we made our own marshmallows!

I love eggs in its many forms: omlettes, stratas, scrambled, poached (my favorite) and over easy for breakfast. Egg salad or boiled egg added to my tuna salad. I love deviled eggs, gougeres, eggs in a hearty frittata or a delicate quiche. I love custards, ice cream, meringue, macaroons, marshmallows.

The Puffy Omelette:

4 eggs, separated

1/4 cup milk or cream

salt and pepper

2 tablespoons butter or olive oil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Separate eggs, beat egg whites until stiff. Set aside. Beat egg yolks, milk, salt and pepper until thick and lemon colored. Gently fold into egg whites. Heat 10 inch skillet with oil or butter. Pour mixture into hot pan, reduce to low heat and cook until light brown underneath but still bubbly and moist on the top. (takes about 7-10 minutes). At this point, you may sprinkled some grated cheese over the top as desired. Place skillet in oven and bake about 7-10 minutes, to brown. Make a 1/2 inch deep crease across omelette and fold omelette in half...then roll it out onto a platter. Garnish with grated cheese, snipped parsley and serve immediately.

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Eggs are also one of my great favorites. I like them in any type of setting and pasteurize my own so I can use them raw. (I mentioned this proces in the Out of Style foods thread)

One of the first things I learned to cook in my first class on French cooking was a puffy omelette, with the eggs still a bit runny. Love them that way.

"There are, it has been said, two types of people in the world. There are those who say: this glass is half full. And then there are those who say: this glass is half empty. The world belongs, however, to those who can look at the glass and say: What's up with this glass? Excuse me? Excuse me? This is my glass? I don't think so. My glass was full! And it was a bigger glass!" Terry Pratchett


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Eggs in general are wonderful, "good eggs" like the ones I've had in france are magical. "Good eggs", with a rich, creamy, almost dark orange yolk are so good i just eat them raw (usually over japanese white rice). I have a hard time finding eggs of quality here in the US, however there is a (expensive so i don't buy often) brand that i buy in japanese supermarkets that is of exceptional quality.

I also like the taste of "spiced eggs" such as sunny side up with loads of sumac or in a shakshouka with tomatoes, peppers and merguez. For a scrambled version i make it how it was taught to me in france, cooked over a bain marie with butter and creme fraiche for a rich and creamy result.

"A chicken is just an egg's way of making another egg." Samuel Butler
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... "Good eggs", with a rich, creamy, almost dark orange yolk are so good i just eat them raw.


I don't know if you would consider eating them raw, but I found great eggs at Union Square Market. The seller is on the west side against the fence, not the street. He also sells herbs and lettuces, and you will not see the eggs displayed because they are in a cooler. I only discovered them because of another shopper. The eggs are blue and sell out very quickly. The yolk is a rich dark yellow and paints the sides of bowls upon whipping. I thought they were great. I usually see him on Wednesdays and on one occasion when I arrived about Noon, they were gone. The market is open Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat., opens at eight. I've never been there before 10.

Emma Peel

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I agree with water in lieu of eggs for fluffy scrambles...


My favorite is the fritatta...oh, glorious creation of Italian leftovers. I like mushrooms, mozz, tomatoes and herbs in mine, maybe a bit of pancetta for some oommphh....

The eggs in Europe are beautiful....I took my first trip to Europe last year, and actually took a picture of whole eggs in a bowl b4 they were put into a fabulous Bussolai cookie dough...

as for counting the ways, I believe there are 101...one of the first things I learned in culinary school is that in the traditional chef's toque, there are 101 pleats...one to represent every method of preparation for eggs.

"have a sense of humor about things...you'll need it" A. Bourdain

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