R-a-R has a lower sodium Chicken version.
its their only lower salt version.
it has been difficult to find .
I make it , and use 2/3 of the ' flavo(u)r [sic] ' packet.
its OK . I add other items to the concoction
and it gets better. commercial items like this would not sell w lower salt
commercial levels of salt have been ' burnt-in ' to commercial palates
and are expected by consumers. those consumers have thus attenuated
their ability to taste anything but salt. its self fulfilling commercially :
salt is cheap . people can't taste anything but salt , thus cheaper ingredients
can be successfully used.
I wouldn't waste time and risk looking for it in a store
but Target and my RedCard is a different story.
its a minor part of my C-19 plan.
and as this is a M&C thread :
target has those M&C boxes , I happen to know they come in 5-packs
and cannot be salvaged. so mine went , w telephonic apologies
to my local food-bank. they are still loved by 8 year olds Im told
and were appreciated.