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Candied mandarin oranges -


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I don't think you did anything wrong. 

Next time you can try draining them completely after a day and putting them in new syrup with a higher sugar content.  The burnt taste is probably the key.

The tipping point of the sugar cooking is very tricky and in my experience doesn't follow the "rules" and may be influenced by the weather, the altitude and God knows what.

The Clementines I get are tiny - no more than 1 1/2 inches in diameter - and after two days in the syrup they have absorbed enough of the sugar that they don't float. 

(I didn't see your earlier post about that.) 

Mine do get darker but never brown or black.

Thank you, O Ginger Lady :wub: , as usual. All good stuff.

I could indeed have taken them out after a couple of days, when the syrup was pungent and delicious ...and not tasting burntish...and done well. Didn't know that.

They are currently drying in the dehydrator. Cut off a piece...delicious. They will do nicely in ice cream for weeks on end, just as the candied kumquats did. Probably think up some other use for them too...like in Lauren Chattman's Banana-Caramel Bread Pudding (Instant Gratification which is as it sounds) which I felt needing something punchy.



learn, learn, learn...


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