Fathers are a whole other level. Often the first comments we get on our appearance - esp females. I go out of my way never to eat in front of mine. Even if the comments are "oh that looks healthy" as if I need his approval. Hello you paid tuition for my degree in biology! I do not need schooling from him. He reads the labels of everything my stepmother buys out loud and comments. She is 5'-9" tall and rail thin. He sneers at some of her purchases. Plus he doesn't understand the labels anyway - that they are percents of RDA and portion size may be nowhere near what the person will consume.
I've only had one person comment on my portion size. A guy I worked with and liked. We were at a Mexican brunch buffet and he commented on the large amount I was eating. I was quite pregnant and the food was very well prepared boiled shrimp! I only gained 20 pounds overall during pregnamcy. Clearly 32 years later it still irritates me. I ate them all anyway. Oh and I was supervising a hospital remodel and when I'd go for coffee with the guys I never ate in front of them. They were extremely good looking carpenters. one turned to me once and asked why did I never eat in front of them? I didn't realize that I was doing that. I did eat alone. Oh the mind!