A Los Angeles Times headline today "It’s been decades since Russ Parsons — our former Food editor who is now delighting Irish Times audiences with his culinary know-how — turned his mom’s recipe into a Times classic." They refer to it as Mom Parson's Cranberry Sauce.
Paraphrasing @russ parsons:
1-1/2 c. sugar, 3/4 c. water, 3 cloves, 3 allspice (berries), 2 x 3" cinnamon stick. Boil couple minutes till clear. Then add bag of cranberries (12 oz.). Give it a few minutes till they start to pop. Off heat stir in grated zest of an orange. Refrigerate 1 to 3 days. Fish out spices before serving.
Personally I like a touch of salt and a grind or so of black pepper.