Lot's of good thinking here.
I just want to add one thing. I don't know what is your age and how long you intend to stay in your dream kitchen. Do look into incorporating features/considerations friendly to physical conditions for advanced age. You know, time flies.
Such as drawer dishwashers so you don't have to bend down?
Such as light color counter tops so you can find things easier with eyesight deterioration?
Off topic:
Sometime ago, I was in the Calgary airport waiting area going thru some cooking pictures on my laptop. A fellow next to me saw the pictures and started a conversation with me. A very pleasant fellow. At the end, we asked each other what professions we were in. He told me that he was at the time unemployed.
He was Al Duerr, your former mayor of Calgary. We traded email addresses. We are still in touch once in a while. Got a New Year's greeting from him and his wife last December.