I know you are asking about packets.
I used to use Knorr and Sauers some time go.
I think the flavor input in packets has deteriorated
and there is always too much salt in the,
apparently Minors has a dot.Ca site :
if they have lower sodium try them , and just keep them in your freezer
sor of like round-packets. I prefer lower sodium as I can add more paste
to my chosen salt content, and get more favor.
I use water + base to get the volume and flavor of the gravy I want
then use a little cornstarch + cold water to get the thickness i like
I can add Penzey's dried spices as a boost , etc
this takes about the same time to whip up as a powder from a packet
but , for me , has much better flavo(u)r
I notice they have the Trio , mentioned above. I wonder what that is like.