On 8/6/2019 at 2:49 PM, andiesenji said:You can buy a bottle of Bragg's Apple Cider vinegar with the "Mother" - there are a couple of other brands that carry it and
Amazon and others online SELL wine mothers.
Thanks for the information! As I mentioned in both my above posts, perhaps not clearly enough, I am not interested in making a vinegar this way. I'm trying to create the mother without a starter culture, similar to the way people makes a starter sourdough culture, or a ginger bug, etc. If you search for "how to make vinegar", nearly all results provide similar instruction to simply purchase Bragg's or some other vinegar with active cultures and go from there. Again, this is not what I want to do. My inner mad-scientist wants to do things the hard way Sadly, I haven't found any instructions or details/info on this yet. Thanks again for trying to help out, though, it's appreciated!