3 qt iPot , LP basket steamed sweet potatoes , 3 min , air cooled :
looks awful , something orange w metastatic white bits , and some green bits.
these were two large SP's , a little over half of what I make , as this was an exeriment
using the same add-ins I use w russets and Bliss.
I iP'd 4 eggs , LP steam 3 minutes and rapidly cooked in cold water , refreshing once.
I usually do the eggs and the potatoes the day before , and refrigerate.
I wanted to complete this soon. so I put the cooled eggs in the freezer for 3 or so minutes
to get them very cold , not Fz. Im guessing the cold eggs pull away a bit from the shell and
make peeling easier.
these peeled very easily , and the membrane stuck to the shell , not the egg , a key issue in
easily peeling eggs
if the membrane sticks to the egg , you are going to have a difficult time peeling the egg.
once the peeling starts , I squeeze the egg a little , and that creates an air channel down
the egg that helps a lot.
I keep the skin on my potatoes. the skin on the SP in the past did mash up nicely , but
i lightly scored the SP w a small very sharp knife pole to pole rotating the SP . just to cut
thrugh the skin ending up w smaller bits of skin.
usual medium chop . 3 min LP. I let them cool a bit , but mashed them while still warm
much easier to do that way it turns out .
finely diced green onions , a decent dollop of mayo , and used the 4 eggs for this , rather
than two
the previous ratio of egg to potatoes Ive been using for the white potato version.
turned out very nice . at this stage I could add other seasons , Singapore Curry , other no
salt mixes
I have from Penzey's. but its quite tasty as is. I refrigerate in a container.
to loosen up the next day before i add it to a plate to micro , a little water is all you need.