in my experience mealiness has a lot to do not so much with the cut of meat , but how the caw war butchered
the inly time Ive had mealiness what with Chuck. 48 + hours at 130.1 I like adding the 0.1 i sleep better
but that was 1 out of 10 Chucks.
if you think back over time Im sure you've had a conventionally cooked piece of meat ( rarely ) that tasted a bit like liver.
Im guessing that that piece came from a cow that was processed after undergoing lactic acidosis during the travel to the process
Im guessing that in my case the mushiness comes from an acidic piece of meat that was then SV'd > X hours
Im sure the acid lever in cows on the way to the meat case varies
and very high levels are rare , but possible.
this study was done by my mouth which at times is rather unscientific.