On 10/9/2023 at 9:35 AM, liuzhou said:Happy me!
After reading your post and twitching with envy and frustration, I decided to search just once more for rau răm on my purchasing options. My usual one hour later delivery people deny all knowledge, but on Taobao, the main Amazon-like shopping portal I hit gold
from the 2023 dinner topic @KennethT
My search for rau răm has been a frustrating waste of time. I have ordered it now from three different suppliers advertising it on Taobao. One said it would take five weeks to arrive from a place I can get to in three hours), another said they were out of stock then deleted their listing and the third said they were ony testing to see if there is any demand and may, or may not, have it at some unknown point in the future!
So, I gave up and ordered a plant rather than just the leaves. It arrived today. Half dead and the surviving half dried out and yellowing. It was also seriously potbound. I have re-potted it and will see if it revives, but I'm not hopeful. I might just have to move to Vietnam.
Overhead shot.