8 hours ago, DiggingDogFarm said:
I'd call it crazy people paying crazy prices.
I get that some folks may 'require' the convenience for health reasons or whatever.
I worked with the disabled for years, including the profoundly disabled; my Mom has Multiple Sclerosis; I have other family and friends with issues. I, myself, have issues where I wonder if, some days, I'll be able to make it to the end of the day.
So I do , 'get it.'
None of the folks I know in such a situation are well off financially, quite the opposite.
Reasonably priced conveniences would be appreciated.
I don't disagree, at all. I have issues too, as do members of my family. But the people I usually see buying this stuff seem to be generally healthy, but often overweight. Nor do they appear particularly financially over-endowed , but that is just my, no doubt prejudiced, take. Many disabilities are not visible.
All I'm saying is that if the supermarket chains weighed the meat and priced that, then weighed the veg and priced that (including their chopping costs) and aggregated those costs, then maybe it would be OK. But they tend to bung everything together, weigh it and price it at the cost of the most expensive ingredient which they pile on top of the cheap stuff to hide it.