interesting. taste differ. the picture you noted are more like the pickles Im looking for. they do not taste like a cucumber, nor do they taste like a 100 % pickle made by other
brands. about 50 : 50 which is why I thought they were called 1/2 sours. but its a slippery slope. kosher friends of mine have told me that the dark green ones have not
cured enough. but no matter. you either like it or not.
it is true that if you get a jar that looks like that picture, you have to eat them fairly quickly while they still have crunch. forget them for a while in the
refrig, and all you are left with is flab with no crunch.
PS its quite possible that what ive enjoyed over the years is not really the real 1/2 sour, i.e. the green cucumber tasting item.
what ever it was it was a lot better than any other pickle to me, refrigerated or not.
maybe Ill try the Green Tomatoes. never had those. their garlic-dills were interesting, but didn't have the crunch Ive associated w the 1/2's