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Salting the Water For Hard-Boiled Eggs


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You can tell if a hard cooked egg is overcooked when the yolk is green on the outside and it is too mealy on the inside. To further explain about steamed eggs, I peel hard cooked eggs under running cold water while they are still hot. I think cold water and hot eggs help the shell to come off cleanly. Steamed eggs nearly always peel easy. I have problems much more often with hot-water steeped eggs. I never actually boil them. Some people say fresh eggs are harder to peel but grocery store AA eggs that are fresh and steamed peel easy nearly every time. Fresh eggs don't have the air bubble dimple on the big end. You can tell in dcarch's picture that the one boiled and cooled in air is older than the other three.

Edited by Norm Matthews (log)
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