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Coach Farm Cheese


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Was just wondering if anyone out there had tried Coach Farm Cheeses since it was sold to the coach family? 

I'm not sure what you mean by the Coach Farm Cheeses being sold to the coach family. Is there even a coach family? Do you mean to say that the farm had been sold to the Coach company? That would be a bit of a surprise. Do you have a link or a reference?

Coach Farm was founded by Miles and Lillian Cahn, former owners of the Coach company. Coach was purchased in 1985; I don't know if the Cahn's had ownership then. (See wikipedia for more information on Coach.) As far as I know, there has never been a business relationship between Coach Farm and the Coach company beyond the fact that they were owned by the same person.

Also - does Mario Batali still list it on his menu?

As an added bit of trivia, Mario Batali is married to Susi Cahn, the daughter of Miles and Lillian Cahn above. I believe that one of the Coach goat cheeses has been on the menu of Otto since it opened; there was certainly a Coach goat cheese on the menu as of two weeks ago. Batali is an owner of Otto. I have not been to Babbo, but the Coach Farm Triple Creme is listed on the menu at http://www.babbonyc.com/menu2.html. I don't see it on the menu of Del Posto, nor do I recall having it there.

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I'm sorry - - I meant sold BY the Coach Family - - still working on my first cup of coffee.

Know all about Batali's relationship w/Susi - - always found it funny that in his restaurants he only has italian cheeses EXCEPT for coach farm.

Anyway, back in March, Miles sold to Alain Foster. Was just wondering if there was any difference in the cheese....i have not tried it since then.

BTW - - that's why they are not at Green Market anymore - - Foster does not produce the milk...it's purchasesd from a different farm.


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