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Saul vs. The Grocery


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No responses??? And what's really sad is someone from NJ is the first to respond... :-)

I haven't been to either Saul or Grocery, although both look good and our "to go" list when we venture over bridges and through tunnels of see our Brooklyn friends.

As we were over in Brooklyn on Saturday night, we almost went to Saul, but decided on Applewood instead. So I can't offer you a compare/contrast, but can offer that Applewood was a very enjoyable meal.

Space is very nice -- coverted townhouse/brownstone feel, our waiter was very knowledgeable without being pretentious. Menu, I'd put in the haute-barnyard category (although, certainly less haute then a Blue Hill). They had a seasonal cocktail list, of which a Maple Manhattan was well balanced, and delicious (although, I'm sure the cocktail purists would not be pleased...) Wine list was varied -- could have used more bottles in the under $50 price point, especially given that the restaurant is very reasonablely priced, but did find a very nice Sangiovese in that category.

Shared two apps, a Pork Belly (required by law these days it seems), which was one of the better preparations I've had in recent memory -- very crisp exterior, contrasting with the wonderful richness of the belly -- without tasting like your eating a pure piece of fat. A scallop and shrimp sausage special, which sounded intriguing, came off as somewhat odd and just didn't really work either on a textural or flavor level.

Apparently we were all in a carniverous mood, as a table we had duck, veal, goat and lamb. All perfectly coooked to order, nicely flavored and with good sides. I think the duck and the lamb were the standouts -- the veal (loin sliced into medallions) was slightly tough. The goat (which I'm used to having in a Curry or some type of braise), was also sliced into medallions and good, although not as gamey as I would have expected (or preferred).

Desserts were all good, but just missing from being great -- a nectarine bread pudding had great texture, but needed more fruit. A chocolate malt creme brulee was perfect consistency, but lack a bold flavor that you'd expect given the description and a chocolate souffle didn't seem to work with the 5-spice ice cream that came with it.

All is all a very enjoyable meal, and dinner for 4 (with cocktails, wine, apps, dessert) was a very reaonable $75 pp, given the quality of the food.

Edited by jon777 (log)
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I've never been to the Grocery, but we had dinner at Saul last June. While details will escape me, I will say we enjoyed it thoroughly. Food was truly wonderful although the desserts don't shine in my recollection. I wouldn't hesitate to return, although the service and ambiance are not of the destination level--considering price--for us.

We are Manhattanites and when we venture away from our own neighborhood just for food (not as an adjunct to theater, film, etc.) and are expecting to pay similar prices we expect more of the total experience. A bit more polish in decor and service.

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