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Proven, now on how you enjoy your wine and how the

Don Giovanni

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Proven, now on how you enjoy your wine and how the brain communicates this.

I can across a very nice article in Wines-Vines April 2007 written by Suzanne Gannon.

Dr Terry Acree, from Cornell University's depart of food has scientifically proven how we enjoy wine. It all boils down to two into two parts, one being a blind tasting and the other being the expatiation of what is in the glass because you would know the wine in that glass is.

One thing we all must agree on is that the winemakers make glasses full of chemicals. And all those chemicals come from the wine
Side drift go put that on a label.....
using very expensive equipment found over 1,000 chemicals that collectively produce flavor and aroma in all food and wine.

Forty of them are common in wine and each has a specific descriptor.

It's the cilia in the nose, that has neuron that also has a protein molecule on it surface... then information is transmitted to a specific area of our brain and this is what or how we determine the pleasure of the wine consumer.

Humans have such a diversity in smelling that the number is as high as 96%...now I thought only snowflakes were so very different.... that's 96% diversity..... wine tasting and notes are simple subjective and now proven by science why with this 96% diversity.

Now so there is no such thing as your typical wine lover... a break down by % is as follows...

Six groups are the

"enthusiast" 12%

"the image seeker" 20% EH Hem This is why I still feel the 1855 classification system is broke or out dated. Now you know why Bordeaux is so crazy with the prices...well this is one factor...

"the savvy shopper " 15%.... Keith this might be both you and I...

"The traditionalist " 16%

"The satisfied shopper" 14%

this is the best one "The over-whelmed" 23% this being the toughest market...I call them the crusty crowd....they can make your life ...#ell

As The President of Constellation Wines Mr Fernandez went on to explain 5 industry trends

health, consolidation of distribution and retail channels, globalization, environmental awareness and the continuous trade-up manifested in the fact that the dollar value of the wine consumers are buying is outpacing the growth in case volume sold.
That last line is a producers best wish.

He also told the audience that we are in a very healthy business and he has never seen things so intense.

Cheers! Looks like prices in general will be solid...and I might be wrong on the value of Bordeaux in the long term...I still feel you have to buy after the hype...time will tell..we can guess all day long on that one. Still admittedly I am not perfect and do have many ideas and am not too full of myself to admit I am human. I hope you enjoyed this report.

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