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Everything posted by mnebergall

  1. Welcome to eGullet, Mr.Magoo. Now which blanco, if any, would you recommend with a tequila gimlet?
  2. The instructions for that unusual "truss," if memory serves, were sketchy at best. I was hoping someone would do a more thorough pictoral discription of how to do it. I have been unable to reproduce it.
  3. McCormick & Schmick's has a lunch menu that is available at the bar that is very easy on the wallet.
  4. While we're on the subject of roast chickens, the last poster's comment about a 4 lb. bird got me thinking about what the optimal size is for a roasting chicken. A four-pounder sounds more like a fryer to me. Around here (DC) the Giant sometimes puts their Perdue Oven Stuffer Roasters on sale for about 69 cents/lb. They typically weigh in at 7-8 lbs. I like leftovers. Is there a qualitive difference in taste between the bigger and smaller birds?
  5. Abe: Welcome to eGullet. How are the sausages in Chicago?
  6. I am going to guess that the jerk seasoning you are talking about bears little if any resemblance to the McCormick's jerk stuff that I bought at Costco.
  7. JennyUptown: Thanks for organizing this.
  8. Anasazi Green Flageolet Pebble Repokeb (Tiger Eye) Trout
  9. Runnerbean: Welcome to eGullet. Thanks for the information. I ordered up several bags of beans yesterday from Bean Bag and plan on making some bean soup this weekend (if they get here in time).
  10. ???? This story line sounds familiar. The movie ET perhaps? I believe it was Reeses Pieces that in fact were used in that movie to entice the extraterrestrial out of the shed in the suburban backyeard.
  11. I wonder what a pressure cooker would do to them?
  12. Is cigar smoking permitted?
  13. JU, is it just the two of us next week? We know that John W. thinks he has a good excuse, but what about the rest of ya? Nope. I have a number of PMs from people interested in attending. I wasn't going to post the names out of respect for privacy. However, here is what I have so far in terms of RSVPs minus one: bilrus DonRocks cjsadler mdt JPW + Mrs JPW hillvalley me Anyone else? I might be available.
  14. Reeves is at 1306 G. Old Ebbit Grill would be good put prices will be substantially higher than Reeves. If Old Ebbit is doable, you should consider the Mayflower.
  15. All sorts of variations on the theme are possible: tailgate iron chef where the contestants put everything they think they will need into the back of their vehicles and converge on a spot where the secret ingredient is provided; pressure cooker iron chef where a presure cooker is used on the secret ingredient; cast iron chef, etc.
  16. Which one is which, and which is "not the nice one" and why? Whew! Perhaps this is the "nicer" Magefesa?
  17. If you use the East and West Coasts of the Mississippi River as your benchmark, Texas and Chicago are on different coasts. Viewed in this way, California, etc., are on the East Coast of the Pacific Ocean and NY, MA, , etc., are on the West Coast of the Atlantic Ocean.
  18. Thanks for that link. I have added it to my bookmarks.
  19. You could turn the sandwich upside down and put it back in for some extra browning.
  20. It sounds like the "Precise Toasting with the Even-Heat™ System" is working properly.
  21. I would say that it is the toaster and not the bags. I don't have that problem with my el cheapo Target toaster. Do you get uneven toasting of bread without the bags?
  22. This from page D2 of today's Wall Street Journal: "It's also hard to know what to think of another new trend from Europe, which will be featured by two companies, Toastabags and Toast-It Toaster Bags. Simply put, you can insert sandwiches or pizza -- or anything else that you might want to put in a toaster oven or grill -- into top-opening bags made of heat-resistant material and then stick them into a regular toaster to get cooked. Both brands of toaster bags are reusable and cost from around $6 to $10 a set. Both manufacturers claim that their aim is to provide a muss-free method of making things like grilled cheese without having to buy another appliance. Odd as this is, it's a laudable goal."
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