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  1. Thanks everyone for your help, I am not taking the job. The agreement was 4 pages long 23 sections etc silly I think.
  2. Been looking for a new job recently and I coming across Employment Contacts which is new for me. I was ready to take the position but on a section of the contract it says this, ( 1) during the Employment Period and for a term of 12 months following termination of your employment with the Company work for or engage in a bakery focused business that is located or intended to be located anywhere in (the surrounding counties) is prohibited. Maybe I am reading it wrong but what I think they are saying is that I cannot work for 1 year in a bakery business after leaving the company. Has anyone ever dealt with something like this and is this enforceable ?
  3. JeanneCake..I got a bunch of them from someone, 14 total and I am trying to sell on ebay but they are not moving.
  4. JeanneCake, Thanks all great suggestions...I went through the Silkomart Catalog but did not see it. The reason I wanted to get a name for the mold is because i wanted to sell it..
  5. Thanks for everyone's help, I contacted Silkomart but they never responded. Thanks again !
  6. I thought so but I forgot to add its 8" x 7" big but possible. Thanks
  7. Someone gave me a several silicone molds but this one I cant figure out the name of it ( Florentine, Savarin etc ) Any ideas ? Thanks !
  8. The chef is Sébastien Serveau and I just contacted him on Instagram.
  9. I just emailed them again in regards to the author of the recipe. Looking at the recipe again, maybe its just a ganache with lime juice instead of cream ?
  10. Journal du patissier got back to me and said that Carthage Lime Praline is just a type of lime. I guess its just Lime Juice in the recipe ! "For me, citron vert de carthage is a kind of « lime »."
  11. Jim.D Thanks for your help, the recipe you sent looks great but it is hard to tell since I have no idea whats in the original "lime praline. I contacted Journal du patissier multiple times but they have yet to respond. Thanks !
  12. Thanks for everyone's help, I contacted Journal du Pâtissier and I am hopeful they can figure this out. Thanks again !
  13. "numero 419 juin - juillet 2016" I looked on Journal du patissier web page but did not see anything
  14. pastrygirl, I cut it out of the magazine and I do not see the chefs name on the page, I searched the recipe name with no luck. Thanks !
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