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    Bribie island Queensland

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  1. Bernie

    Breakfast 2024

    here is an off center tip Keep sweet potatoes in your RED wine fridge. (if you don't have one, here the best excuse to get one..... then you have to buy better red wine to take full advantage of the wine fridge....win,win,win😁) In the normal fridge they will deteriorate, in the open air they deteriorate quicker (I guess depending on the ambient temperature). In my wine fridge they tend to keep for weeks without any noticeable change. (probably the combination of temp & humidity control)
  2. Pretty obvious to me in this technological age we need an internet connected panini press. That way the press can use AI (ChatgptπŸ‘Ί)to tell us what we should and should not do. Just think, eGullet could make a fortune by selling all the data necessary to train our IPAIWP (Internet Panini Artifical Intelligence Wonder Press) (Actually i liberated mine the other night from the back of the hard cupboard to do a revisit. Now I am contacting the Kitchen installers to ask them to explain why I don't have a really really hard cupboard)
  3. physics knowledge needed here πŸ˜€ You probably need to make sure you keep it somewhat agitated if it is getting close to freezing The advantage of using brine as a freezing medium is that it will freeze at a lower temperature or more importantly at below the freezing point of water, so it can be circulated to cool down product to water freezing point much quicker. (normally you use brine external to the product for short enough time - if it is in direct contact so you may get salt transfer) But I seem to remember (and that facility is indeed fadingπŸ˜’) if it is kept still some water may freeze releasing its salt. (that's where the physic knowledge is needed).
  4. A simple white sauce (with cheese) crab mornay with lots of crab meat, baked in the oven. (not quite Italian but add some cherry tomatoes and Italian parsley πŸ˜€) Scalable from 2 to many.
  5. Pretty sure adding iodine to salt is for areas where the soil is deficient in iodine. The resultant crops (of lots of different species) are deficient in iodine. Certainly, this was the case in SE Queensland. The easiest solution was to increase the iodine in salt because most people used to use it in cooking lots of different vegetables. Also table salt was heavily refined so most minerals were removed or reduced so it was easiest just to add iodine. So depends on where your table salt originates and more importantly where your vegetables originate whether you need to use iodized salt. Sea salt should have more iodine but it may not necessarily be so. Your body will reject excess iodine taken in food anyway so there is no harm in using iodized salt. If you can taste it, maybe there is too much iodine or it is actually a different iodine salt added to the salt. Chemist needed here.,
  6. Bernie

    Dinner 2024

    Potato Cake! 😁
  7. doohickie is such an underused word. It is so appropriate for just about any technical discussion
  8. Bernie

    Turbo Sous Vide

    I too am an old geezer (but my mind refuses to admit it) So while we on the subject of comparisons of cooking methods.. What is the difference between BAKING & ROASTING (I roast a leg of lamb but bake a ham) I don't roast cakes but I bake them. Is there a similar sort of distinction between "traditional" SV & Turbo SV (told you I was old and have nothing better to do than cogitate..😁)
  9. Bernie

    Turbo Sous Vide

    The rate of heat transfer is determined by the characteristics of the object (in this case the food) and the difference in temperature. It will also depend on the interface, that is the hot oven air (which is a relatively poor conductor of heat). In SV the interface is water (and usually a single layer of plastic) and the water is a much better conductor of heat. In a "normal" oven, cooking say a chicken with the oven temperature set to 180C and the desired temperature say 60C it will take a certain time. If the outside oven temperature is 60C it will take a much much longer time time..... You can cook it at 180C but by the time the temperature of 60C is reached in the center the outside (the skin and outer layers) will be much hotter (probably 180C) In the same way you can "turbo" the SV by setting the temperature higher but the end result will be the internal temperature will be the desired 60C but the outer temperature will have been hotter and then (hopefully) will have cooled down. So if you don't mind the outer layers heating over the set temperature and then cooling back down then go for it Sort of defeats the purpose of SV doesn't it?
  10. The only problem with long slow cook in a conventional oven is retaining moisture. You can fix it a bit by using an enclosed container to cook in... but it will take longer and the air around the food will take a very long time to heat up to oven temperature (because the air is enclosed and not moving). Your surface of the food will therefore be in the "dangerous" temperature" (bacteria growth) range for a longish time. The risk is developing some off odors, but hopefully normal kitchen hygiene has eliminated any of the real nasties Having said that, I used "Hestons method" in a conventional oven but it was 90c (from memory..which is usually faulty) and the chicken had been in brine for 24hrs to increase the internal moisture. It was superb. I do prefer a lamb roast in the conventional oven but the first hour in an oven bag (with rosemary), then removed to "brown" the outside, but the temperatures are higher else it would take forever and dry out. SV is my go to for pork.
  11. Unfortunately, most information on the web these days is about earning advertising revenue and that takes views. You wont earn much if people don't watch/talk about whatever you post. It doesn't matter what you (as the poster) know or believe, it is more about what will generate hits. Ideally, you want people on forums (like us) discussing it, because then those people (us) will view the video/blog. So to this end she achieves what she wants 😁 The very fact she says she doesn't use it but later says she does is probably just an attempt to inform/indicate (scam?) the viewers that she knows what she is talking about or to not alienate anyone that may use SV Pure politics in its basest form !
  12. Bernie

    Chicken Stock Safety

    Aren't we getting a bit carried away here? If indeed the pot was opened, then there is a small risk of contamination, but that depends a lot on the general environment. If the stock was allowed to cool completely before it was opened, then even that risk is likely to be minimal. For meaningful contamination you need the bacteria/yeast/nasties and the right temperature range and sufficient time at the temperature for the bacteria to grow. If the pressure was released but the pot still closed then it will still be sterile. (yes OK if you cooled it down below ambient and the vent allowed bi directional gas flow then you may introduce contamination from the air) Another almost neglected criteria is the "surface tension" and the PH of the stock......real chemistry needed here.. By the way do prions actually multiply?
  13. The price was right........πŸ˜€ Just quietly bin them...you actually haven't lost anything.....😌
  14. I have cut and pasted to make larger bags, but it is a fiddly process. The shape ends up a bit of a nightmare as it usually wont fit in the sealer. (each side can only be as long as the sealer). One thing to note is to let the sealer cool down a bit otherwise it gets too hot and although it still seals it melts the plastic and the mechanics of the seal is reduced. On wrinkles, i just make sort of stretch it before clamping in the sealer. It may mean making the bag a little longer so the vacuum process doesn't pull on the seal surface prior to sealing. The Foodsaver had the advantage of being a bit wider but it was obvious when I took it apart of a basic design flaw in the way the plastic was cast that the channel holding the rubber gasket was too close to the heating element. What made me go right off the company was that rather than fix the design they chose to repair it in a way that would almost certainly eventually fail, also that further cracks were almost inevitable and just hope people wouldn't find out what they had done. Very poor ethics for any company. The more ethical way if they didn't do a redesign was to sell them at a huge discount with a warning they had a limited life or not sell them at all.
  15. Slightly off topic but might help πŸ™‚ I use rolls to make bags. Do a search on ebay (or amazon) for "Food Vacuum Sealer Bags Rolls 12-30cmx500cm for Sous Vide & Storage" You then make bags of any size. Also after the food saver has finished, don't remove the bag wait a few minutes and hit "seal" again. If your food saver is faulty (doesn't seal or vacuum properly) the plastic inside may have cracked (look really carefully for hair line cracks particularly along where the heating/sealer is). I actually had a small crack and took it apart to find the crack was obviously a manufacturing problem and was sealed with some sort of silicon compound which had dried out. There were three more small cracks also sealed the same way. Not good for a rather pricey bit of gear. I will NEVER buy a Foodsaver gear again. I use one from ALDI and it works fine. You need also to check if the original packaging has those absorbent pads to mop up the juices. They (and their contents) may not take kindly to long temperatures, or may change and impart other flavors or smells.
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