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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by zilla369

  1. zilla369


    Might it have been mulberries? They look like blackberries and they grow on trees with no thorns. A small tree might look like a bush. They grow here in NC and ripen in the spring. My Dad says they grow in Michigan as well, so I can't think of any reason why they wouldn't grow in Louisville. mmmm....i don't think so. I actually live on "Mulberry Street" and have what i was told was a mulberry tree in my yard - but i have to say the fruit of that tree looks nothing at all like blackberries, so, maybe i don't know what a mulberry looks like, either? Definitely a possibility. Now i'm dying to know!
  2. I'd just like to say i think this Q&A bodes well for eGCI. This is a seriously cool project, people. Kudos already to FG and Carolyn.
  3. I would! Chez Panisse Menus are updated weekly, man. Graphics are clear and uncluttered. A class act, all the way. I live about a thousand miles away and have never eaten there, and i still visit the website every week.
  4. FG is travelling today so I am fielding comments today on this... He will probably weigh-in (no pun intended) and possibly have different thoughts than mine but... Yes, we both have commented on the use of tomato paste in brown sauces and, coincidentally, WE BOTH USE IT! Fat Guy had a different method than mine (he puts it in directly, I use the paste to paint the bones during their browning). I am very curious why there would be such opposition to tomato paste and would be curious for further discussion as to why not to use it. I just phoned the chef instructor i remember as having been the most adamant about not using tomato paste when making a brown stock. I wanted to be sure i was clear on what his reason for this stance was. His answer was much the same as the "tabula rasa" reasoning FG gave for not adding salt to a basic stock. He said that when reducing to a glace or demi, sometimes the tomato tends to lend a certain bitterness to a glace. Also, he doesn't like the color it seems to bring to sauces - and a lot of tomato pastes include artificial color. I will say that this guy makes the most beautiful clear brown jewel-toned stocks, glaces and sauces, even without clearmeat clarification, so i tend to side with him. On the other side of the fence, what's the justification for using tomato paste? I assume it's either to heighten the carmelization process of the roasted bones, or that an acidic substance in stock can hasten the extraction of gelatin?
  5. FG, in my experience at school and at work there are two diametrically opposed schools of thought on the use of vs the NON-use of tomato paste when making a brown stock. Will you be addressing this issue in the lesson?
  6. zilla369


    fifi, can you tell me what time of year wild dewberries ripen? I was rollerblading down Louisville's Riverwalk with a friend in the spring a couple years ago when i came upon him eating what he thought were blackberries. I made him stop immediately because the berries, which resembled blackberries were: 1) growing on a bush without thorns, and 2) ripe in the spring, when wild blackberries around here ripen in the fall.
  7. zilla369


    In the Freezer Phobia thread, fifi mentioned freezing dewberries. I have some delicious-smelling essential dewberry oil perfume from Bath and Body Works that smells heavenly, sort of "green", like fresh-mown something-or-other. I didn't realize dewberries were edible. Where do they grow? What do you do with them, culinary-wise? I also don't know much about huckleberries or gooseberries, but i did know those were edible. Enlighten me, berry aficianados!
  8. zilla369

    Constipated shrimp

    Heh...for some reason, every time i read this thread title, the Ella Fitzgerald singing "Fascinatin' Rhythm" pops into my head. Constipated shrimp, You've got me on the go! Constipated shrimp, I'm all a-quiver...
  9. Presumably training for the soon to be out of work actor's next jobs as computer technicians.
  10. another one: "Foodie Pyramid" Create six foodie categories for the $25,000 Pyramid and list the clues before ultimately revealing the categories. example: which one is medium rare again? is this boulliabaisse supposed to have scallops in it? can you hold the rice on that risotto order? man, it's hot in here! do you have time to make me some chicken tenders? what happened to my dave matthews cd? THINGS A WAITER MIGHT SAY TO A LINE COOK
  11. I vote for this, so far! My entry: Describe the backstage catering rider of your favorite band/musician, and the resullting spread.
  12. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to refrain from frying bacon.
  13. rough draft: I decided not to put a lot of work into the text, since it seems up in the air, still...
  14. Not only that, but the recorded sentence spoken by whoever just before they cut to her ended in the word "cow". I was cracking up. Now, that's editing!
  15. Sure, that's easy. Stand by just until tomorrow at the latest. What color? Red?
  16. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say i think some of us may be missing the point. It's a TV show! It's supposed to be entertaining! I'm entertained. I won't miss a minute of it. Granted, some of it is obviously staged, and there are some mighty convenient camera and microphone placements, but i'd much rather watch ANY sort of show about a real restaurant than half the cooking shows on FN. I am sympathetic to the members of the staff who are serious about their profession and feel underpaid, undertrained and underappreciated. But that won't keep me from watching the show. And although the antics might ultimately put some professionals and serious gourmands off the DiSpirito brand forever, let's be honest - most of the viewing audience would make a beeline for the place if they were within a hundred miles. It's television. It's advertised as a "reality show", not billed as a documentary. We all know the difference. I find myself wondering if some of you turned off the television in disgust as children, muttering: "Goddamn those Flintstones...everybody knows a classic rack of wooly mammoth has five ribs, not four! MOM! Hurry it up with those artisan cheese puffs, or i'm gonna hold my breath again!" edited for spelling
  17. How about something like this?
  18. Heh....it's on the menu at Shoney's Big Boy down the street from my house, too.
  19. Then...the winning recipe will yield a product that has undergone pastramoptimization*, oui? *credit: my roomie, the PirateKing.
  20. Odd. They barely mentioned the restaurant or show at all. Just another "cooking demo" segment.
  21. Big ups to the Midwest....at least in Louisville. No problem drinking it..
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