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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by zilla369

  1. Guess i don't need to mention what i used to use the edge of my bankcard for.
  2. After reading this thread, i actually did open a beer this weekend with a Bic lighter on the first try - it was surprisingly easy. I would whine that this new skill will ultimately cause me to drink more, but the truth is, i can't recall an occasion where any sort of bottle/cap arrangement kept me from my appointed nectar. It's just that this is easy and usually convenient, since there's almost always a lighter where i am.
  3. The appetizer course for an ACF competition earlier this year was grilled scallops and wild mushrooms on a fried grit-cake. We used the jus from the reconstituted morels to make the grits with, and dusted them with a little seasoned flour before pan-frying them. Deliciously crunchy on the outside, with a gorgeous delicate brown color on the inside.
  4. hmmm... with the pig tail going up his gullet? If nobody else wants to tackle this one, i think we could come up with that, too. and =Mark....pig envy?
  5. Art-designed by me, PhotoShopped to perfection by my roommate, PirateKing: Ta-DOW!
  6. Yeah, i'm definitely down with all the above. A separate thread for posting design ideas, with posts filtered through Dave, perhaps? I'm not sure if this was foodie's original plan or not, now that i think of it...but i think any profits at all ought to go to the party's host. If the final design is put out there in a cafepress shop, everyone could just order theirs before they get to the party, and then nobody has to have a bunch of shirts shipped all over the country, although someone might want to have several on hand at the actual event.
  7. I also have a very creative and talented roommate who would be up to the task, if foodie doesn't already have a design in mind.
  8. What song would be appropriate for the pickin' of the pig? honestly, you oughta be able to ply a local blues/grass group to play for free food and beer. I could investigate that for ya...
  9. Went to 13 pages on the 13th. Varmint, with the tent expense and all, you just have to let some of us chip in some dead presidents. Oh, and, if i make it there, i volunteer to sing the national anthem as Mr. Pig comes off the pit.
  10. USAToday probably got tipped off right here.
  11. Er... I'm about to. I just ran out and bought two boxes (24 in each) of quail eggs at a closer Asian market. I must confess my imagination had skipped straight to the bit where the eggs are already peeled. I had given nary a thought to the actual peeling itself. Ah well. My girlfriend's away tonight, so it looks as though I'm in for a nice quiet evening of quail egg-shucking and tv watching. Um. Yay? edit: Me fail English? That's unpossible! I have heard, but never done this, that quail eggshells can be dissolved if you soak the hard-boiled eggs in vinegar overnight, then just peel off the membrane. 6 minutes should do for a boiling time, after starting in cold water.
  12. Hey, that makes a little more sense! You can't get anywhere east of MO without goin' through Louisville!
  13. Has anyone here actually PEELED very many quail eggs in a row? I did a boiled quail egg garnish for salads for 50 people in school once. I don't care how old they are, that is tedious as hell - it's like flossing shark's teeth, the job that never ends. The next time i poached those suckers.
  14. I'll pick up Zilla. (Where the hell is Louisville?) If a train leaves Austin, TX at 55 mph on October the 8th at 10 AM, and arrives in Raleigh, NC on October the 10th at any time whatsoever, you can bet your ass it never gets anywhere near Kentucky. I'm good at word problems. Thanks for the thought, though, Jaymes!
  15. Or Lexington. I could meet a car in Lexington (1-75). actually, if i book a flight this far ahead, looks like i could get round-trip for less than $150. Expedia packages flights with hotel rooms, but i can't seem to get them to offer me that particular Holiday Inn.
  16. I've tried to resist, because i don't know where i'm gonna be working this fall, but...dammit! I want to come...maybe i could make that weekend off a condition of my employment. Anyone from up north driving through Louisville with an extra car seat open?
  17. clarify it before you use it, and tell him you're skimming off the calories and cholesterol
  18. zilla369


    Way to go, Nero. I'll bet nobody (or hardly anyone) got a 10 out of 10.
  19. I'm game, Matthew...so long as you promise the whole evening won't be filled with verbal disclaimers Just kidding. Thanks so much for participating in this Q&A, and believe me, i understand why you have to do that.
  20. zilla369

    Fresh fava beans

    fava beans are fantastic in a good italian bread salad.
  21. Slim-Fast. Hey, it's "Cappuccino Delight".
  22. No, but have you met mine? Friday was a marathon session with a few friends . . . You might consider editing that. i think they were tourne-ing potatoes. Or was Nero fiddling while the bacon and apples burned?
  23. zilla369


    I hereby sprinkle competency fairy-dust on your knife hand. Any other cuts, or just the tourne?
  24. Just happened to see she's making in on tomorrow's MSL...wow, the pineapple flowers do look amazing.
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