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Everything posted by jpr54_

  1. Has anyone been to this tea festival-it looks interesting http://www.boulderteahouse.com/
  2. I am an average jane doe i used 6 oz of water and a small piece of the tea- i did not have a scale for measurement- the first sample was steeped for 3 minites, the second for 5 and the last for 10
  3. I brewed this tea 3 times- I found the tea to be smoky and had an unpleasant bitter taste- there was little or no aroma of brewed tea/ The color of liquid was golden- wet leaves were broken- i used a jenaer teapot and glass gaiwan
  4. I received my sample this am- It arived in 2 pieces with extaneous leaves. The tea appears to be brown and had a light aroma
  5. I went to the first of three events at Knight Concert Center in Downtown Miami- Daisy Martinez and Ingrid Hoffman the evening started with fire alarms going off- the interviews were intesting and funny= I was disappointed with the foods prepared-only 10 minutes of time given- The hall was not filled to capacity-my original ticket was for third tier but most ppl were upgraded- I was reassigned seat to center of orchestra-not bad for a $20+ investment
  6. I am interested in participating
  7. I recently moved to South Florida- I have not had stone crabs b4 Is Joes stone crab restaurant to try them
  8. I beg to defer-it set the stage
  9. I agree that he screwed up in his preparation of the grasshoppers but the matzah balls may not have been bad. I don't think the chefs on panel or fellow contestants understood the sinker vs. fluffy matzah ball problem. I just had bad vibes from judges and contestants.
  10. Eric Greenspan was eliminated in my opinion bcz of prejudice
  11. I listened to the report on my local station this am- I thought it was well done and informative
  12. The gaiwan arrived this am-great transaction-
  13. i received msg- can i participate in this tasting
  14. i use baking soda -once in awhile if u have a yixing pot it is better not to use anything
  15. I just received from www.shanshuiteas.com this tea-i will brew a cup later this evening baozhong spring 2009 pinglin wenshan 5 th place in competion
  16. I just purchased blacj pearl gaiwan- i will let everyone know about my experience with this company
  17. what r the best seafood restaurants in south florida- miami dade, broward . palm beach counties
  18. http://teamasters.blogspot.com/ Stéphane Erler the pics r beautiful- i have not ordered any tea from him as yet jpr54_ aka joanne r.
  19. www.palaisdesthes.com --there r several shops which carry these teas in pq including www.holtrenfrew.com camellia-sinensis.com has the best tea in pq their teashop in montreal is beautiful and owners help customers joanne aka jpr54_
  20. www.shanshuiteas.com also has a nice selection of tasting cups, etc.
  22. I spent 4 days in Treasure Island this past week visiting family in St. Pete Beach. I had a great meal at the salt rock grill on sunday www.saltrockgrill.com wine and drinks were good and the food tasty.I had oyster sampler and lobster and shrimp pasta
  23. jpr54_

    Coffee Books

    My favorite is All about Coffee by Ukers
  24. I enjoyed again my last cup of this tea- aromatic and tasty I brewed it 2 times - 1x 5 minutes 2x 9 minutes
  25. i was pleased with my first brew- strong pleasant flavor joanne
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