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Everything posted by jpr54_

  1. http://www.franchia.com/ This is one of the nicest tearooms in nyc- They have good tea and tea pots and utensils
  2. Tarpon Springs Ybor City The Beaches-for seafood
  3. I am making some as I type- It is delicious when prepared properly- Jmahl- I lived on Grant avenue not far from Clay-and went to PS 88, 90, Jr.22 and Taft- I also graduated from Hunter College in the Bronx and graduate school of Health scirnces in Manhattan- It is a Polish jJewish delicacy. UR invited to have some in my home-I live in Hallandale Beach Florida
  4. I am making my second brewing of this wonderful tea from www.shanshuiteas.com The tea is pricy but well worth the cost- Special Acquisition Spring 2010 Fushoushan Wulong thumbnail Special Acquisition Spring 2010 Fushoushan Wulong Fushou mountain is located between Lishan and Dayuling, and has a maximum elevation approaching 2500 meters. The tea farms here are government-owned, but in recent years the employees have been moved from a salary to commission system, where they profit directly from the sale of the tea. This is my best Wulong of the season, with a thick, nectar-like mouth feel and the creamy elements of a classic "high mountain" tea. The flavor is not heavy, however, and the finish is smooth with a unique sweetness. Very limited availability.
  5. jpr54_

    Gefilte Fish Broth:

    If the gefilte fish jelly was from homemade fish, I would recommend trying to do something with it.
  6. I have been reading this great cookbook- "Thai Food" by David Thompson Thai food is very diverse-the foods vary from north,south,, etc. yes, duck is authentic thai food
  7. I use the legacy tea thermometer. This one I have used very often. I also use the visual eyeball method of bubbles
  8. Yes, I agree- but Brian has excellent selections once u know what u enjoy- The tea he has is fresh and he is very inteligent and personable- I visited him in Washington, DC- 2 years ago
  9. I enjoyed reading this article- Brian has a great selection of teas- http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/11/AR2008111100573.html
  10. I would like to try local foods- food trucks sometimes offer great food options
  11. I would like to begin Vietnamese cooking- I would like titles of good cookbooks, etc.
  12. Today, I ordered the book from Books & Books. He will be speaking on June 30th
  13. Enjoyed the read
  14. i know u can buy fresh duck at Delaware Chicken in Hollywood- thet have courier service for a modest fee- there is also d'artagnan in newark-they will deliveer at a modest cost
  15. Aphrodesia on Bleeker Street \\ It is sad that they closed= I have been purchasing my spices from savoury spices in Colorado- great spices, selection and service joanne
  16. My son was visiting from New Jersey- We ordered and picked up 3 lbs. of medium stone crabs- They were delicious- The cost was $50 much less than Joe's Stone Crabs joanne
  17. I just received Premium Winter 2009 Baozhong (75 g) from www.shanshuiteas.com- I immediately prepared a cup of the tea for my glass gaiwan. The tea's aroma is fragrant and the liquid has a pale color. Definitely worth the cost- Joanne
  18. Has anyone watched this show? Opinions-comments?
  19. I enjoyed the show on Saturday-
  20. I have tried many of the green Korean teas including saejak goryeo 2009 Joongjak Goryeo 2009 I prefer the greens rather than the barley teas
  21. In NY/NJ area there is Korean market HanAhReum which has many different teas.
  22. www.shanshuiteas.com has a good selection of korean teas
  23. http://www.savoryspiceshop.com/aboutus/what.html I am looking forward to this new show beginning on April 24 They have good spices and herbs- many items r unusual-
  24. jpr54_

    teamasters blog

    Has anyone ordered from this site?
  25. I recently purchased best Food Writing 2000-2009 series of books. I am enjoying reading the items from articles and books. joanne does eGullet still have the reading list? now that i think about it i am not sure wheather the books were on here or chowhound----
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