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Eric Srikandan

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  1. I think there are things I might not prefer (brains is one), but if push came to shove, I would eat anything rather than starve.
  2. Those are what I have although I haven't tasted them as such. I'll take a photo when I use them next.
  3. The black cardamom thing is curious - I was just looking at Kenji's Khao Soi recipe which asks for black cardamom (Thai) and then states that there are two types - one with a white outer and black seeds and one as per in this thread. https://www.templeofthai.com/food/spices/cardamom-3101000344.php
  4. Beautiful looking loaf @JoNorvelleWalker - I find the same issue with mixing speeds using my Kenwood mixer - but in the end a bit of trial and improvement seems to get there. I tend to mix on speed min or 1 initially before autolysis, then take it to 3 or 4 for the final mix and mix for maybe 5 mins until it looks like a good stretchy mass.
  5. I have everything that anyone could buy me with a reasonable price! Otherwise it would be a Thermomix, Vacuum Chamber machine and a Polyscience Control Freak. Perhaps they will be presents from myself one day.
  6. Hung Lay is another paste I have seen (I think I have a packet at home). The first time I tried Khao Soi was a cooking class in Bangkok, and then only in one other restaurant in Bangkok too. My own efforts at home using both the ready mix and Kenji's recipe which I did think was very close to both the Thailand versions I tried.
  7. Khao Soi is one of the finest things I have ever eaten. It does not, however, use red or yellow curry paste (the paste is yellow however). Kenji has a recipe for the paste on Serious Eats, and there is a branded Khao Soi seasoning made by Lobo but that's a dry powder mix.
  8. I shouldn't have seen this.....£1200 in the UK. And I want one. Even though I definitely don't need it!
  9. Good days baking. French lean baked in a Pullman and shokupan made as a tear and share. Shokupan was amazing eaten hot from the oven!
  10. I made it. Dough was difficult to handle so I used 500g tins. Didn't have pearl sugar so dried some simple syrup in the oven and crushed as a substitute.
  11. Anyone going to try the Portuguese Sweet Bread? http://modernistcuisine.com/recipes/portuguese-sweet-bread/
  12. Shokupan. Little bit of work to make the gelatinised rice beforehand as I had to grind the rice first but great rise, nice light texture. Made fab french toast for breakfast. Pretty nice toasted with butter or in a sandwich with cheese and ham. Will make some burger buns next.time.
  13. Had a go at the Ciabatta. Didn't have malt syrup so used honey instead. The dough was so wet it had to be poured into the tin (no way it would have worked on a sheet). Overnight proove in the garage and baked this morning. Not as airy as Ciabatta I've bought but tasted amazing toasted with butter and fois gras for lunch.
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