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Margaret Pilgrim

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Everything posted by Margaret Pilgrim

  1. Margaret Pilgrim


    Came home through Brentwood today, so Blenheim apricots! Enough for us, neighbor and son's family.
  2. Sorry about that. The pandemic had little affect on my cooking, neither ingredients nor frequency. Same old, same old.
  3. Funny. Shallots, chives, (Meyer) lemons always part of our larder. Scraps always -> soup. Sauces are simple once you accept a few basic processes. Perhaps we should have a thread on the basic/master sauces. Husband will eat anything that wears a savory sauce cloak.
  4. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Haven't the slightest doubt about this. A cluster of tomatoes just off the vine always emit more scent than the resulting tomatoes. Thanks for this great truc.
  5. "9 days after diagnosis"...perhaps the gods appreciated what a good man he was.
  6. The most repulsive part of the Hershey bar and much American chocolate is its cloying sweetness. Agree that it's a totally different animal from European Chocolate.
  7. Since children can only eat what is offered to them, a balanced diet is, of course, not guaranteed. What I believe is documented is that they will not overeat or learn to stuff themselves, which is perhaps somewhat normal when being spoonfed what adults think is a proper serving.
  8. Practice puts us on automatic pilot!
  9. I love Pasta Grannies as well as other you-tube pasta instructions. Orecchiette have never been a goal, but there are many worth pursuing. For the fun perhaps more than needing to get dinner in the table.
  10. Some good suggestions here. I'll have a sample of each, please.
  11. I'd swap my share of caviar for your share of champagne. Such a cheap date.
  12. Side by side against a from-scratch pilaf, probably not, but heated slowly with a well seasoned liquid, some butter tossed in because why not, it warrants a spot on a dinner plate.
  13. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Am way past that. More in line with Piaf.
  14. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    In my dotage I have discovered/decided that Strozzapreti are my speed. Mindless, idiot-proof, angst-free, impressive if only to me.
  15. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Thanks,Ts. Yes, I've made Orecchiette and, like you, found them a pia, which fired my questioning if further creating a shell was practicable. But as you say, proper dough and patience/practice are the determinants.
  16. Not sure I am talking about the same problem/situation but with iphone, every photo I take is automatically transferred to both laptop and desktop, iPhoto folder on toolbar. Click on it and select photo(s) in order to pull them to screen.
  17. On Calphalon, at least, I have found that it is indeed a chemical deposit rather than reaction, as I have been able to remove it successfully with feather-touch scouring. An anodized exterior Al-Clad, however, is irreparably defaced. It looks as if someone tried to remove the anodized finish. They only partially succeeded! Again, the interior is primo and at a couple of dollars it is just fine.
  18. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Wow! Never heard or even imagined such a thing. Do you think they were hand or machine made? Am having trouble mentally shaping them. Thanks for these.
  19. Absolutely! Modern thought is that children will feed themselves as appropriate, rather than being fed what adults think proper, with possibly less adult obesity. Not pretty, but (have patience!) effective.
  20. I have several flea market All-Clad pieces bought for pennies on the dollar which have been abused beyond any of our comprehension. Dishwashers do extraordinary damage to anodized aluminum, Calphalon as well as All-Clad. I am a master at resurrecting these pieces. Seldom back to factory condition, but quite satisfactory. As a garage sale and flea market maven, I have a skeptical opinion of middle class American consumerism. How do people buy with such abandon and consume with such little respect for product?
  21. Neitherr have I followed her toast crumb trail.* I have used Delia to get a sense of style and tradition. I have very much enjoyed her Book of Cakes which I brought home from a 1980 visit. *I am still using my mother's mid-Century Sunbeam toaster. My d-i-l couldn't believe her eyes when she dropped in a slice of bread and it automatically lowered into the toasting chamber, crying out, "How did THAT happen?"
  22. I have found that Delia's concepts and recipes work.. As objects of derision, you have Delia; we have Martha.
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