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Margaret Pilgrim

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Everything posted by Margaret Pilgrim

  1. Reminds me of the call I made. I called our corner super on Monday, July 5 to see if they were open. The woman replied, "I answered the phone, didn't I?"
  2. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Would you be able to describe each of these to us in more detail?
  3. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Cornish pasties (lard pastry enclosing steak cubes, potato, rutabega, onion) Napped with untraditional, unless you've eaten at Woolworth's lunch counter in Butte, Montana, beef gravy
  4. Dishwasher detergent is my accomplice. A tablespoon in a baked on disaster + boiling water + an overnight rest = a half-hour disagreeable work avoided.
  5. There’s classic and there’s modernist.
  6. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Sliced nectarines with gorgonzola. Spirals with clams in squid ink sauce.
  7. It really is about perception. I remember two recent restaurant conversations with FOH person regarding decibels of music. "It's loud? Really? I hadn't noticed it." And nothing done to address it.
  8. Please. And wishing you great good fortune!
  9. How old are the room-temp stored dried shrimp sold in bulk at my neighborhood shop?
  10. Your scathing description of a traditional holiday offering from the sister of my sister in law = as I remember it, raspberry jello + can of cranberry sauce + small container sour cream -> VERY sweet, but swooned over by post-toddlers who had been bred on savory rather than sweet. I remember one young tyke almost going into sucrose poisoning after helping herself to several unsupervised helpings.
  11. IMHO Salade Nicoise is a cold plate, one of my favorite summer suppers.
  12. Not entirely safe around here. Deviating from general understanding of a well known dish can get heated push-back. I have added an herb or spice to a classic and been thoroughly lambasted.
  13. Thanks for this. Hard boiled eggs, capers, cornichon, tarragon, garlic and chives combo. Will definitely make.
  14. Hm. Chefs and grannies tell us that our hands are the best kitchen tools. Maybe we need a thread on mixing with our hands?
  15. @liuzhou, Proper by American butchering style. Billions of people eat goat cut as their respective cultures dictate. The expensive goat in the linked article is broken down in the American style which produces/provides totally different cuts. The operative word was "price" and the context was comparing the price of a particularly butchered goat to similarly butchered lamb.
  16. You are entirely correct. Should have said "hot".
  17. It was true in San Francisco and Paris as late as 2019.
  18. We've simply resigned ourselves to the reality that most of the new/hip, exciting restaurants that interest us will be loud. I recently read quip that resonated: It's not too loud; you're too old.
  19. The link is instructive. Note that prices for properly (i.e., American style) butchered goat is comparable to prime lamb, as it should be.
  20. Makes more sense to compare goat to lamb.
  21. When my m-i-l first served it to me, I thought so too. But, open a new window and consider it a totally different dish.
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